Any politician attempting to sow the seeds of discord will be rejected by Guyanese!

Dear Editor,

REFERENCE is made to particular remarks circulating in the public domain regarding supporting rigged elections. I also took notice of proclamations by the same aforementioned person calling for racial supremacy in Guyana.
As a young voice, as a student, and indeed, as a citizen of Guyana I wish to register my absolute condemnation of these vile and treasonous statements.

How did we get here? When did it suddenly become fashionable to spout the vilest and inciting statements out loud in this land on a variety of public platforms?
The answer is simple. We are now at a pivotal point in this land. Our words and actions in this very moment will decide our destiny. Guyana is now experiencing a burst of transformation like never before.

Our dreams for our Motherland are now closer than ever to being realised. However, there is a fringe grouping in our society that would rather see our country burn, once they are not holding the reins of government.

These “wild men”, as previously labeled, will only take us down the road to sheer disaster. Their fossilised and pungent emanations simply hold no place in a modern Guyana. But we are not in the 1970s/80s/90s.

The violence and extremism that characterised Guyana’s political history will not be tolerated by my generation. Any leader attempting to sow the seeds of discord WILL be rejected by our society.

We want to see our country prosper and become the promised-land that we all hoped it would be. And we WILL get there. The era of “Slo Fyah Mo Fyah” is NO MORE. We are now witnessing real change. And those who want to remain prehistoric relics will remain confined to the history books. Long live our beautiful One Guyana.

Yours faithfully,
Nikhil Sankar


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