Dear Editor,
I write on behalf of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to address the incorrect statement made by an anonymous letter writer in the February 14, 2024, edition of Stabroek News concerning the GRA’s audit history.
The assertion that the GRA was last audited for the fiscal year 2017 is inaccurate, and I wish to provide clarity on the GRA’s audit procedures.
The GRA’s annual reports are dependent on the finalisation of both the audit of the agency’s revenue and its expenditure, and the ensuing financial statements, which form an integral part of the report.
The GRA adheres to specific audit procedures mandated by the Audit Office of Guyana and the regulations outlined in the Audit Act (2004). These procedures involve the auditing of draft reports submitted by the agency/ministry/department and addressing queries based on these reports.
The Auditor-General (AG) has received draft reports from the GRA up to the fiscal year 2022. The 2018 Audited Report has been completed, and the 2019 Audited Report is being finalised.
We have already submitted responses to queries that were raised by the Auditor General for the 2020 Report. Additionally, the authority is currently engaged in preparing responses to queries for the 2021 Report.
While the publication of reports and the timing and conclusion of the Audit Office of Guyana’s work are beyond the GRA’s control, we remain steadfast in our commitment to completing and submitting our accounts for each fiscal year promptly. Our dedication to upholding transparency and accountability in all operations is unwavering.
The GRA reiterates that it does not believe in double standards, and agrees that this inherited state of affairs must be immediately addressed with both the Audit Office of Guyana and the Revenue Authority showing a firm commitment to bringing the audited financial statements up to date.
This will allow the agency’s conformity to not only the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act 2003 but also the Revenue Authority Act 1996.
Godfrey Statia
Commissioner General
Guyana Revenue Authority