Political shenanigans

THE present opposition in Guyana is neither smart nor clever. It is not intelligent and it is far from being politically inspiring. It is basic and has developed a pattern of reinventing itself in the political sphere as well as birthing some of the most predictable and cunning political strategies to gain power and outright control.

Recently, the APNU+AFC, which is PNC-reincarnate, pulled one of the old tricks out of its political book. It thought that the PPP/C and ruling party could be crippled and paralyzed by a set of striking teachers who sadly were misled and misinformed. But half way into the strike, and the ruling administration is showing no signs of being bothered or surrendering. In fact, one thing that this incident is teaching the government is that it will have to find ways that it could go on in the education sector while teachers strike.

After all, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali has made it clear that this is a political strike, and teachers have to exercise “patience” as his government is working aggressively to remedy the situation with their salaries and working conditions. He stated all the things the government has done since he took office in terms of salaries and working conditions for teachers as he pleaded with them for their understanding and patience.

But this will not stop APNU+AFC politicians from using the teachers, like Coretta McDonald is doing, to upset the environment and cause undue labour interruptions at this time. To McDonald and the APNU+AFC, this is the time to do so in the lead up to the polls next year.

Others will follow. APNU+AFC will make the other labour unions like the GPSU, GTUC strike or engage in labour interruptions while staying at a safe distance so their hands appear ‘clean’.
Another political stroke that the APNU+AFC will play from the PNC play book is trying to get Bharrat Jagdeo out of the race. This was already tried before the start of the last elections. They have done so as recent as Thursday by engaging in meaningless litigation against him to try and get him out of the political optics. They know that he is integral to PPP/C and any elections for the time being.

They also know that they are bluffing their way because they know that it is up to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir and the rules which he will have to interrupt. Once that is the case, Jagdeo and the PPP/C will find a way out of this political mace, using the legality and the rules.

This same issue is a political diversion and an opposition shenanigan engineered by APNU+AFC and the ‘old heads’ at Congress Place. It is designed to take the critical eye off of them while they try to organize the political campaign in the lead up to general elections.

Something does not feel right about this move to the courts to have Jagdeo removed from parliament and the cabinet. The APNU+AFC politicians are up to something and are hiding their hands. It could not be that ANUG is entering the parliament and being sure of their support, the opposition is planning to table another ‘no confidence’ in the government. This would surely fail because the PPP/C still has the majority. Whatever trick the APNU+AFC has hidden, the PPP/C will be ready.

Also, the opposition will stir the pot, using certain gullible persons from within the PPP/C to weaken and cause trouble in the party base. They want Jagdeo out and some other gullible party faction in. And the PPP/C congress is just around the corner, the APNU+AFC is waiting for the opportunity to ‘strike’ because their aim is to weaken the party at any cost ahead of the polls.
Pretty soon, Aubrey Norton’s rhetoric will change back to the ‘Ole familiar’ dialect, that’s is if he is still at helm of opposition politics in this country.

Talk of violence and struggle will emerge once more to get Guyanese that support APNU+AFC out protesting and picketing seemingly because of various issues which will highlight a purported lack of good governance, transparency and accountability. The political gurus are the opposition camp will use these events to fuel their campaigns against this PPP/C government.
Another political shenanigan will be the ‘race and discrimination’ card. They will seek out opportunities to utilise the Amerindians and Indians in their plot for power and control. More emphasis will be placed on spreading various negative narratives and perspectives around the hinterland and in Amerindian communities.

Additionally, do not rule out APNU+AFC politicians using racism openly to whip up political support. They are desperate and at this point, sadly without a meaningful political plan to execute in the lead up to general elections. They do not have a political head, just a temporary figure head in the person of Norton who seemingly is incompetent and intellectually bankrupt.
So, they will go back to the unions and the streets. APNU+AFC will also pull shenanigans from their political play book which really is the PNC diary.

This body politics is becoming redundant. If the APNU+AFC does not change its gears soon, it will be left behind as Guyana further grows and becomes more developed. Political parties are transforming and changing daily their ideologies. If the PNC/R or APNU+AFC hopes to become the next government, it needs new life and new leadership that can adapt to the changing political environment. It can ill afford to stay the course of backwardness and political confusion.

Political shenanigans are not real politics. They are not a useful political tool. They are just a plaster. They will not work. Go back to the drawing board and fix the problem from within the PNC/R or APNU+AFC grouping. The PNC/R or APNU+AFC needs leadership and then, start to engage the government in real and genuine politics.

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