–energy expansion ongoing; solar PV installed capacity increased by 6.661 megawatts with thousands benefitting from renewable energy projects
–26,398 solar home systems distributed; 21 solar mini-grids installed
THE Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) reported significant progress in its renewable energy projects throughout 2023, marking a substantial step towards the country’s goal of decoupling economic growth from fossil fuels and harnessing its low-carbon resources. These advancements not only addressed rising electricity demand, but also expanded renewable-energy access across local communities.
The GEA supported the implementation of a massive electrification project to supply, deliver, and distribute 30,000 solar home energy systems to hinterland and riverine communities in Guyana.
A total of 26,398 units were distributed as of December 2023. Each 160-watt system can power two nine-watt LED lamps, one 12-watt stand fan, and is equipped with a USB port for charging portable electronic devices. At the completion of the 30,000 Solar PV Home Energy Systems project, a total of 4.8 MW will be installed across the 10 administrative regions.
During 2023, according to the GEA, 19 communities from Regions One, Two, Seven, Eight, Nine and 10, consisting of an estimated population of 21,674 persons and 3,880 households, benefitted from the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) mini-grids with a combined total capacity of 601 kilowatt peak (KWp).
These solar PV systems are supplying electricity to 262 public and community buildings within the communities of Baramita, Canal Bank, Haimacabra, Kwebanna, Karaburi, Sebai, Wakapoa, St. Monica, Capoey, Tapakuma, Waramadong, Jawalla, Paruima, Kurukabaru, Karasabai, Aishalton, Kraudarnau, Annai, and Riversview. These mini-grids will benefit students, teachers, healthcare workers and residents accessing the service.
Each solar PV mini-grid has a hybrid configuration comprising a ground-mounted solar PV array, hybrid inverter, battery energy storage system, and associated balance-of-system components. The electrical network interconnects the system to the public/community buildings via a 13.8 kilovolt (kV) medium voltage transmission, and a 120/240 volts alternating current (Vac) low-voltage distribution network.
GEA also installed two solar PV mini-grids supplying electricity to 23 buildings in the communities of Orealla and Siparuta, Region Six (East Berbice Corentyne). Orealla was equipped with a 45-kilowatt (kW) mini solar installation and a 135 kilowatt per hour (kWh) battery energy storage system, while Siparuta had a 45kW mini solar installation with a 105kWh battery energy storage system.
The Government of Guyana commissioned its second mega-scale solar farm, the 1.5 MW utility-scale solar PV plant at Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) in March 2023.
At 22 off-grid locations, GEA installed over 163 kWp of solar PV capacity and 800 kWh of battery energy storage. The installations provided electricity to public and community buildings across Regions One, Two, Three, Four, Six, Seven, Nine and Ten within 20 communities Malborough, Siriki, Schepmoed, PlegtAnker, Baracara, Lighttown, Macushi, Muritaro, Kaikan, Aishalton, Karasabai, Georgetown, Smith Creek, Mabel Sandy, Martindale, Rockstone, Lanaballi, Bartica, Kartabo and Jawalla.
Moreover, a total of six electric vehicle (EV) charging stations were installed for public use in Regions Three, Four and Six to promote low-carbon infrastructure, demonstrate opportunities in the electric mobility industry and catalyse private sector replication.
This project marks the first publicly accessible charging infrastructure along Guyana’s coast, and it demonstrates the local market’s readiness for an electric mobility future. Also, fifty (50) mechanics and auto-technicians have benefitted from EV maintenance and repairs training to build capacity for the new electric vehicle industry.
During the year, the GEA supported the implementation of the Small Hydropower Project at Kumu and Moco Moco, Region Nine, which aims to provide hydroelectricity to Lethem and its surrounding environs.
The project is constructing a new 1.5 MW Kumu hydropower plant and rehabilitating and upgrading the defunct Moco Moco hydropower plant to 0.7 MW capacity. The Small Hydropower Project is 37 per cent completed and is scheduled for completion and commissioning by 2025.
In 2022, the solar PV installed capacity was 7.96 megawatts with the addition of the one-megawatt Lethem solar PV farm, ten (10) off-grid systems at Loo Creek in Region Four, and fifty-nine (59) solar PV systems at public buildings.
In 2023, the solar PV installed capacity increased by 6.661 megawatts to 14.62 megawatts with the additions that include the 1.5 megawatts Bartica solar PV farm, completion of 21 solar mini-grids, 22 solar PV systems at public buildings, and distribution of 26,398 solar home energy systems.
GEA welcomes the 2024 budget approval which includes allocations for the construction of a 0.6 MW solar farm for Leguan, completion of the 0.65 MW solar farm at Mahdia, five (5) new solar PV mini-grids at Awarewaunau, Katoka, Maruranau, Yupukari and Nappi in Region Nine, and funds for the supply and installation of off-grid solar PV systems at 42 locations.
The Guyana Energy Agency continues to support national efforts in transforming the country’s sustainable low-carbon pathway and the energy sector, as it contributes to providing cleaner, affordable energy access for all, as well as promoting energy efficiency and conservation practices.