OSH Officer inspects new DHB site
The new DHB in 2023
The new DHB in 2023

A THOROUGH set of inspections was conducted on Thursday by Maxean Bess, a Senior Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Officer employed by the Ministry of Labour. The inspections encompassed the construction site of the New Demerara Harbour Bridge (DHB) on the East Bank Demerara, as well as various other construction sites and supermarkets in Region Three.

The anticipated length of the New Demerara Harbour Bridge is approximately 2.65 kilometers, featuring two carriageways and four lanes. It is designed to last for a century, effectively replacing the current bridge that has served for over four decades, surpassing its expected lifespan.

The inspections conducted by OSH are connected to the ongoing series of inspections and re-inspections being carried out nationwide by the Ministry’s Occupational Safety and Health department in the Construction, Restaurant, and Business Services sectors.

According to the Ministry of Labour, the Senior OSH Officer engaged in discussions with individuals regarding the significance of implementing and maintaining appropriate Occupational Safety and Health protocols, and verified the presence of adequate procedures for the well-being and safety of workers.

The Ministry of Labour is resolute in its dedication to promoting Occupational Safety and Health in various sectors throughout Guyana.

In pursuit of this objective, the ministry conducts inspections such as the one being carried out in various regions, with employee safety as the foremost concern.

The Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, has repeatedly expressed his ultimate objective of ensuring the safe return (home) of individuals working in sectors such as mining, welding and fabrication, electrical engineering, and construction, among others, at the end of each workday.


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