Can this woman really become the US president?

Today, few citizens worldwide will be enticed by the political sermons of many American legislators, academics, politicians and media operatives.

I now repeat what I have written three times before. There is no parliament in any other country in the entire world where the legislators make pronouncements and express conceptualisations and beliefs that resemble the ruling regime of a particular era in Germany as the Republican Party in the United States.

I contend that the things that come out the mouths of Republican legislators resemble the rhetoric of the totalitarian leaders who had ruled Germany. I hold to that view inflexible and I am unapologetic about it and will never withdraw it. Influential Republican politicians in the US scare me and that is the truth.

Mr. Trump has no parallel in the global political arena. The United States, the richest, most powerful country in the world and the world’s most influential country voted for Mr. Trump to be president. Of course a caveat is in order.

The US goes about lecturing the world about what democracy is and judge countries by its yardstick of democracy. But Mr. Trump got less votes than Mrs. Clinton yet won the presidency through a mechanism that goes by the name – Electoral College. The very nature of the Electoral College is antithetical to democracy.

Mr. Trump is running for president again and incredibly is leading in the polls. Mr. Trump has a contender – an East Indian woman whose parent came from India. Her name is Nimrata Haley but she never uses her first name.

Here now are two expressions from Nimrata Haley that would put the world in trouble if she should win. Of course, Mrs. Haley’s political and philosophical views are identical to Haley but I would say Mr. Trump has superior understanding of global politics.

Expression number One: “We’re not a racist country. We’ve never been a racist country.” There was a tsunamic reaction to that remark from non-White Americans but Black Americans were outraged. For any human on Planet Earth to live in this world and tell a Black American that the US has never been a racist country, then, that human should be ostracised from society.

It is a horrific insult to a race of people who came to the US as slaves and have been degraded ever since. Thousands of Afro-Americans have lost their lives through police killings simply because they were Black.

Do you know that the first Black American that won the Academy Award for her role in the movie, Gone with the Wind, was not allowed to collect her prize on the stage that night? An iconic footballer from England, Gary Lineker referred to the US as an extraordinary racist country.

When Haley made her pronouncement she was either forgetful or dishonest that she described her experience and her family’s encounter with racism in her 2012 autobiography – “Can’t is not an option: My American story.” In one description of racism, Haley intoned that her father could not get a house to rent simply because he was a teacher at an exclusively Black educational institution- Voorhees College. A Black American publication- The Root – went so far to say that Haley’s autobiography proves the existence of racism in the US.

Expression number two: When asked about US backing for Israel, Mrs. Haley noted that the Israel doesn’t need the US, it is the US that needs Israel. This has to be an extraordinarily ignorant statement.

The US’ wealth far outstrips a combination of all its rivals. The US annual defence budget is $811 billion, outstripping it combined friends and rivals. The US has over 200 military bases around the world that it finances.

The US population is 335 million. The US is the world’s third largest country. If with those statistics the US needs Israel more than Israel needs the US then by logical deduction, Israel with 8,000 square miles and nine million in population is the world’s most powerful country.

The facts about Israel are glaring and only Mrs. Haley is ignorant of it. Israel is militarily kept alive by the US and its economy is dependent on the hundreds of billions of dollars that the US has delivered over the past five decades.

Israel’s main adversary is Iran. Its population is 80 million. Its total military personnel are 1.5 million compared to Israel’s 646,000. Israel is surrounded by Arab states whose combined military strength is comparable to David and Goliath. Only the US can guarantee Israel’s safety. Mrs. Haley statement is more than ignorant but I will not use another insulting adjective.

Anyway, she will never be near the White House in the foreseeable future.

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