WHILE expressing his gratitude to the government for its commitment and dedication towards the infrastructural development of the respective communities under the Mon Repos/La Reconnaissance Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), the chairman, Mr. Jagroo (only name), asked that the people of these communities desist from disposing of their garbage in the waterways and along the roadways.
In an interview with the Sunday Chronicle, Jagroo explained that being the past Vice-Chairman and now the Chairman of NDC, he is pleased to have a young, vibrant team who is willing and able to get the job done. According to him, even though the people of the NDC have been working relentlessly to ensure that the residences of Mon Repos, La Reconnaissance, Annandale, Lusignan, Two Friends, Good Hope, and D’endragt are living in a cleaner and healthier environment, they are also challenged by the lack of human resources.
“As the chairman of the NDC, there are a number of young, brilliant, and new councillors who are working very hard to elevate the NDC and the relationship with the people of our communities. We are currently working on clearing the bushes in the burial ground, getting rid of some bees that were there, and we are also working to get the garbage removed at least once a week. Even though we publish the vacancies and inform residents, they are not interested in that type of work.
“It is not that we do not want to get the work done, but it is difficult to get the people of the community to collect the garbage or a drainage crew, and that is the issue. I would also like the people to know that our mini excavator is down at the moment, but Mr. Lionel Wordsworth (Chief Executive Officer at NDIA) promised that he will ensure that an excavator is loaned to us as soon as it becomes available,” related the chairman.
The Sunday Chronicle spoke with the Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha who said that he will see to it that the Mon Repos/La Reconnaissance NDC gets temporary access to an excavator until they get theirs.
According to Mr. Jagroo, the Attorney General, Anil Nandalall, and other government officials are working on getting some of the reluctant vendors off the tarmac and into the new facility of the Mon Repos Market.
He related, “we have always wanted a market, and even though there are some works to be completed, the People’s Progressive Party Civic has built one for us; however, some vendors are still selling on the tarmac, and there is some hesitation to move in. The Attorney General had a meeting with them last Sunday, and we will hear from him as soon as possible, as we know that he is very busy with the border controversy, but he promised that he will get back to us soon.”
Meanwhile, the chairman urged homeowners to pay their rates and taxes, noting that the NDC depends on the finances so that their objective of maintaining and adding comfort to the communities are met.

“With the government’s help and support, we are also adding to the development and progress of the nation by playing our part,” Jagroo added.
Additionally, the overseer of the Mon Repos/La Reconnaissance NDC, Vishal Ramkissoon, emphasised that the dumping of garbage by businessowners and residents is an issue throughout the communities. According to him, “we asked for assistance, and we also engaged with the environmental protection agencies (EPA); they visited us with our work community; they also visited the communities throughout the area; and they spoke with the residents about the right ways of disposing of their garbage. We placed some no-dumping signs in some of the areas, and we also cleared some dump heaps along the roadways. Some people are doing the right thing, and some people just aren’t.”
He added, “by littering the waterways, it will affect us all, including you and your families. We are in the dry season now, but think about the issues that we will have when the rains come. The government is doing its part; we all have to dispose of your garbage properly, it matters to everyone, and it reflects on you as a person.”
While acknowledging the magnitude of the government’s input in society, he is also requesting that the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson, assist them in developing the 11 playgrounds that are in their communities.
“We have two main grounds, which are the Mon Repos and Lusignan Community Centre grounds, but we are also asking for the playing field in the areas to be developed, especially for sports. These communities are very big, and families can have a space to relax and enjoy with their children, so we are asking for these grounds to be resuscitated for those purposes.”