PERSONS living with disabilities, senior citizens and those who are suffering from abuse, can now access various services at the Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Centre which was recommissioned recently at Queenstown, Region Two.
The regional administration assisted the Sunflower Citizen Association to renovate the building, which was in deplorable state after being closed for several years.
Remigrant and Chairman of the Sunflower Citizen Association, Randolph Christiani Primo, told this publication that, in his quest to get the centre reopened, he visited officials at the regional administration and they assured him that they would assist with the renovation works.
He said the building will be opened to persons living with disabilities and senior citizens and there will be a special room for those who are experiencing domestic violence.
Primo extended gratitude to Vice-President Bharrat Jagdeo for building the centre.
“I met with the Vice-President of Guyana and I spoke to him, and he endorsed everything I want to do. I want to thank the REO for working and supporting me and ensuring the building was renovated…,” he added.
The building has gym equipment and other resources which will help persons undergoing rehabilitation.

Further, Primo said that it is his intention to partner with both government and non-governmental organisations to host programmes that will benefit the residents of the Pomeroon-Supenaam region.
“We want the centre to be a safe place for persons to come and interact and change their lives. We want to do programmes for disabilities and also for senior citizens,” he explained.
The region’s representative, Tageanindra Kishore, said that the regional administration was happy to be on board and to collaborate to get the centre up and running again.
Kishore said that she knows that the building will definitely serve its purpose.
She added that the regional officials are always willing to listen and will collaborate with the centre’s committee.
“We are happy for this; I was coming here before it closed. I am happy to come, socialise and interact with my fellow colleagues that have special needs like me,” Norman Semple said.
The building was officially declared open after prayers were recited by representatives of the three major religions in Guyana. (Indrawattie Natram)