Embracing Patience: Jehovah’s Witnesses welcome all to interactive meetings
Jehovah’s Witnesses are welcoming persons to consider the topic of patience in greater depth as part of their regularly scheduled congregation meeting held on the weekend of October 28-29
Jehovah’s Witnesses are welcoming persons to consider the topic of patience in greater depth as part of their regularly scheduled congregation meeting held on the weekend of October 28-29

STUCK in traffic when running late, standing in a long line, waiting for a webpage to load – all can be extremely frustrating. Patience is the key to staying calm. But how can patience be practiced in an increasingly impatient world?

Following their flagship “Exercise Patience”! conventions, Jehovah’s Witnesses are welcoming all in the community to consider the topic of patience in greater depth as part of their regularly scheduled congregation meeting held the weekend of October 28-29, 2023.

The meetings, open to the public, will feature an article on the topic titled “Continue to Be Patient,” now available on their official website, jw.org.
“Life is so fast-paced nowadays. It’s difficult to slow down or even wait for anything,” said Local Spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses Andre Darrell. “We’re asking our community to take a moment to join us and experience some peace as we show our love for them and God. We invite all to come and learn how Bible teachings are practical for daily living.”
While the “Exercise Patience”! conventions drew thousands of people to venues worldwide, the “Continue to Be Patient” article will be reviewed in a more intimate and interactive setting. This is an opportunity for the public to visit Kingdom Halls throughout Guyana where local congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses gather to worship.

The “Continue to Be Patient” article follows a 30-minute Bible-based public talk. The 60-minute article discussion allows for audience comments, much like a classroom setting.
Topics that will be considered include: What Does It Mean to Be Patient? Why Patience Is So Important? How to Develop More Patience? The article also mentions the benefits of patience: A happier, calmer life, improved mental and physical health, and better relationships.

The Persaud family looks forward to these weekly discussions where everyone, regardless of age, learns together. “The timely articles help maintain peace in our family and provide real solutions from the Bible,” said Loen Persaud. “I love how my husband and I can sit together with our Sons and can all participate. We really bond as a family when we do this.”
The article was published in the August 2023 Study Edition of the Watchtower magazine and is available for free download on jw.org. To download: visit jw.org > search Continue to Be Patient. Hard copies are also available at no charge at the meetings.

All conventions and congregation meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses are open to the public, seats are free, and no collections are ever taken. To find a meeting near you, visit jw.org > About Us > Meetings. To look inside a Kingdom Hall, watch the video titled: What Happens at a Kingdom Hall on the same page.
For more information, please visit jw.org or contact Andre Darrell on 617-9089 or adarrell@jw.org.

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