THE Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has reported that all three of its grinding estates have surpassed their weekly production targets during the week ending September 2, 2023.
According to a press release, the production performance comes on the heels of both Blairmont and Albion/Port Mourant estates previously surpassing their weekly targets during the second and third weeks simultaneously of the crop, while Uitvlugt is surpassing target for the first time in this second crop of 2023.
The second crop of 2023 is in its seventh week of production and it is evident that the respective teams on the estates have capitalised on a number of strategies to boost workers’ turnout.
“These strategies included visiting the villages close to the estates to encourage previous workers to return to the industry and help those who continue to work in the unleashing of the potential of these three estates utilising the over G$3 billion in new equipment bought by the Government of Guyana to support the field and factory operations,” the release stated.
GuySuCo said that these operational interventions, coupled with good weather played a major role in the production performance this past week and the good news continues to boost the morale of all employees, since in addition to an average payout of over $28,000 for this week to the cane harvesters, workers will secure additional remuneration through the weekly performance incentive.
The estate managers attributed the exceptional performance to the improved efficiencies of the workers, coupled with the good weather that is supporting the mechanical harvesting programme.
GuySuCo’s Executive Management congratulated the management and workers of the three grinding estates and urged all current and former sugar workers to turn out every week to utilise the special dry period to increase their earning, recognising that the industry had above average rainfalls for more than one year, between November 2020 and January 2023.
“The Executive Management encourages all to strive towards repeating this admirable performance this week so that their families can benefit from their increased earnings. Management also implores workers to remain focused and not be distracted by those who have an agenda of deception to keep them out of the sugar industry with their misguided messages,” GuySuCo stated.
The release further said that the Executive Management continues to engage with the unions to ensure all eligible workers are treated fairly in accordance with the rule of law and the collective labour agreement.
GuySuCo noted that their doors remain wide open to all current and former sugar workers to return to work and harvest the bounty of the fields and factories for their families from an industry 100 per cent owned by the people of Guyana as they all advance to the mission of adding a fourth estate to the production process later in September 2023 at Rose Hall Estate in Canje.