NUMBER Four Village, also called Edderton, has a great history behind it and a very positive and prosperous future ahead.
Speaking with the Pepperpot Magazine was the owner of Fraser’s Liquor Restaurant, Mr Fraser (only name given). Fraser is the father of six children (three boys, three girls) and one grandchild. He noted that four of his children are in America and the others are residing in London.
Fraser’s establishment sets the atmosphere most adults look forward to after hard days at work or stress filled week. It is where they go to unwind and listen to the sounds of yesteryear and some of today. Where men, and women can eat and have drinks, relax with friends (old and new), and if they’re interested and lucky, can participate in bar’s popular Sunday night Karaoke.
Asked about his bar, Fraser said, “This is my pension. I am a Chef. A Marine Chef. I do my cutters myself. I left my niece and I trained her. She never went to school. She doesn’t have to go to school. The school is here.”

“I taught her everything. What I know, she knows,” Fraser continued. His career as a Marine Chef spans over 26 years in the food industry. He said that he started out working at the Park Hotel, which was once located on Main Street, Georgetown, in the lot opposite The New Thriving Restaurant.
From there, he moved to Tower Hotel and worked as a chef there for a short time until he left and moved on to Gravity, on Camp and Regent Street, also in Georgetown. “I worked there as a pastry chef downstairs in a cafeteria. That’s the first quality centre they had in Georgetown, before they opened that one at Berbice car park.”
From Gravity, he worked at Guiding Light, after which he left Guyana. He went to the island of Antigua where he returned to school and became a chef. He noted that he worked at another hotel called, ‘Saint James Club’ for many years before leaving that job and went Europe for several years. Fraser said that he has had his share of disappointments from one moment to the next but has progressed through them despite his odds. The entrepreneur added that his future is in the business he created. “This is my future. This is my old age. You get to that point. You never know it,” he said.
According to Fraser, working on a ship, there is no guaranteed pension when he retires, so he had to create his own. However, he noted that while he did not have everything in order at the beginning of the business, he is now registered and legally owns his business and has the relevant documentation around the establishment as proof.
The businessman said he has hosted the karaoke and oldies night every Sunday night for the past six months. He said that several of his customers travel from as far as New Amsterdam to have drinks with him, and some from the neighbouring Village Number Three.
“People coming whole day, whole night. Business, I cannot complain. Some days it’s good, some days it’s slow, some days it goes fast. You have to accept what God gives to you.”
Fraser even credited his wife, Yvonne as the boss of the establishment while he is away on sea. He noted that she looks after every aspect of the logistical side of the business.
On the inside of the bar, the wall on the right has a picture of a boat with the words, ‘Big Ship Sailing on the Ocean’, and on the boat itself are the words, ‘MV Lady Yvonne’ in black lettering.
Furthermore, he urged people to never murmur. “My mother said never murmur. Even when she says that when it’s bad times don’t cry, because when it’s good times, you not gonna smile alone, you gon laugh when it’s the good time,” he said.
Fraser has plans to establish sleeping quarters for his staff in the future, specifically for those who will be travelling long distances daily just to get to work.
In the end, he said, you need to have a contented mind, no matter what it is you’re doing. And to give God thanks and praise in everything that is done.