Investments that can benefit you a lifetime

I constantly make investments in ourselves, others, stocks, real estate collectibles etc. It depends on our interests, vision, mission, goals etc. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. I personally believe when we invest in ourselves, we also win! It is the best investment because that investment will last a lifetime and can impact our personal and professional life. Becoming more intentional about my personal growth was one of the best decisions and investments. The benefits over the years are priceless and I share my experience with many over the years with the intention of encouraging them to do the same.

I continue to take every opportunity to grow and add to myself because it is the only way that I can add value to others. I have invested time and money and will continue to do so because it has contributed in a major way to the woman I am today. This is my special birth month and I try to do more in this month for others. For my 50th birthday, I gave the Confidence Becomes You programme complimentary to 50 people. The next virtual programme starts in a few weeks and I will be giving away some more scholarships to five persons who write a paragraph explaining who they should be one of the five (send to I have witnessed the tremendous transformation of many lives over the years. A few benefits of self-confidence are:

Better performance at work
An openness to try new things
Increased resilience and grit
Better interpersonal relationships and mental health
Increased happiness, sense of well-being

I am excited to partner with my friend/sister Phillipa Morrish, Certified Protocol Consultant. and Parc Rayne for another significant programme that is needed in our society. Etiquette for tomorrow’s leaders starts on Saturday, August 19 and the three following Saturdays at Parc Rayne. I have observed Phillipa over the years and she finds joy in teaching these classes to help others. She is one of the facilitators for the Women in Business Expo and the Model Image for children 10 to 16. She also has facilitated dining etiquette for the Confidence Becomes You participants. She is a genuine and fun person with a good heart. I even got her to model for me a few times.

I am sharing the Etiquette for tomorrow’s leaders programme outline to give you an idea of what the course entails.

• Meeting and Greeting: Create a positive first impression.
• Role play greetings, and differences in social and business introduction protocols.
• Verbal Communication: Speak and read to focus on individual speech patterns.
• Vocal exercises that emphasise clarity, pronunciation, enunciation.
• Non-Verbal Communication: Exercises that show how body language affects
• perception and confidence. Head, feet, and other body positions that give onlookers a positive or negative visual impression.
• Dining Etiquette 1: Participants are taught the correct order of eating at restaurants, buffet or served meals. Common mistakes in eating and serving food. Differences in social and business dining.
• Dining Etiquette 2: Each participant practices setting a table for one to five
• course meals.
• Image Management (a). Posture: Enter a room with presence. Standing and sitting postures; walk up and down stairs; enter /exit vehicles. (b) Attire: The power of clothing to make or break an image.

Etiquette helps us to know how to treat others respectfully and appropriately in any context. By knowing how to read social cues and communicating effectively, we put others at ease, foster meaningful relationships and create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere wherever we go.

Ms Morrish recently conducted a training on Superior Customer Service Hospitality in the 21st Century, with Parc Rayne staff. I believe we all have heard various complaints about customer service in Guyana; hence these sessions are vital across the board. Sometimes the customer service experience determines if you return to a hotel, restaurant , etc. These are some of the areas she covered.

• Skit enacting the protocols of ‘meeting and greeting’ at the three levels of service.
• Discussion involving: Proactive vs Reactive greeting habits in hospitality. Why many national and international restaurants remain at the second level.
• Cell phone etiquette
• Customer Service: Transaction vs Connection. Its role in enhancing a repeat customer base.
• 5Why harmony in all three levels of service must be maintained to qualify for superior service.
• Posture and Deportment in the 5 Star Hotel and Restaurant
• Exercises in (a) Walking (b) Standing (c) Sitting (as practiced in ‘fine dining’ establishments).
• Body posture and the non-verbal messages conveyed to the customer as it relates to:
• Eyes. (b). Head. (c). Shoulders. (d). Hands.
The protocols surrounding written and unwritten confidentiality agreements.
Question and Answer Session.

I heard the staff started implementing some of the content the next day at the Sunday Brunch.
I would love to see businesses investing more in their staff to raise the level of customer service. The importance of customer service for your business cannot be overstated. By providing excellent customer service, companies can enjoy all sorts of benefits. If you have a business and would like to utilise Mrs Morrish’s expertise, please call 6496710.
I encourage individuals to register for this programme that commences on August 19 and you will be happy that you did because this is an opportunity for growth (call 6848129 or 2257063 or email I have had people sponsor people for these programmes and we would love you to encourage more people to do so as you continue to celebrate this journey called BEYOND THE RUNWAY.

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