TEETH wear down and break. In addition to proper oral hygiene, the pointers below should serve as things you should not consider doing.
Don’t even think about opening a bottle or a wrapper with your teeth. Using your teeth as a can opener or chewing on pens, ice, or popcorn kernels can dull or even crack your teeth.
Don’t even think about showing up to your dentist’s office without brushing and flossing. Brush before you come in. The whole office will appreciate it.
Don’t even think about letting your child go to bed with a bottle in their mouth containing anything but plain water. Milk, formula, and juices can cause what’s known as baby bottle tooth decay when they remain on a child’s teeth for extended periods.
Don’t even think about sucking your thumb. Yes, some adults suck their thumbs. In fact, my sister does it and she is older than me. Thumb sucking is a paranormal habit which will damage tooth alignment. And, by the way, pacifiers or bottles for children past the age of two are just as bad.
Don’t even think about smoking or chewing tobacco. They discolour and weaken your teeth and can lead to gum disease and oral cancer.
Don’t even think about going to sleep without brushing and flossing. The plaque will remain on your teeth for an extended period, making you more vulnerable to gingivitis. Most research shows that if you disrupt or remove dental plaque and the bacteria it harbours within twenty-four hours, it does not have time to produce enough acid to decay your teeth. At minimum, once a day is a must!
Don’t even consider using over-the-counter tooth whitening products without your dentist’s guidance. These tooth-whitening products are not regulated by the FDA, ADA and other world dental associations because they are considered cosmetic, so there is no guarantee that they are safe or effective. Plus, you may not be a good candidate for whitening, even if they do work.
Don’t even think about chewing gum or sucking on lollipops all day unless they are sugar-free. This includes any substance that will bathe your teeth in sugar for long periods. Regarding sugar-free products, I recommend you also avoid aspartame because of all the controversy about possible health risks. Just check the ingredients to know if you are using the right product. If sweetened with aspartame, that’s bad if sweetened with xylitol, that’s good because its natural and good for the teeth.
Don’t even think about using super-abrasive toothpaste. Sure it may remove the stain, but it may take part of your tooth.
Don’t even think about biting your nails. You can wear your teeth down and chip off the edges.
Don’t even think about not wearing your retainers after having braces or other orthodontic treatment. Without the retainers, your teeth will almost certainly return to their original place.
Don’t even think about going to a bargain dental centre. You get what you pay for, so go to a reputable dentist.
Don’t even think about using someone else’s toothbrush. It harbours foreign bacteria that cannot blend in with your own oral flora and can harm you.
Finally, don’t even think about getting your tongue pierced. Tongue piercing can cause excessive drooling, infection, pain, and swelling, chipped teeth, increased saliva flow and nerve damage. Remember the tongue is the only part of your body where so much important nerves traverse.