WE live in an interconnected world. No country, regardless of size cannot survive on its own. This is especially so for small countries such as Guyana.
With a population of under a million and a geographical size which is relatively small by Latin American standards, it is only natural that Guyana would pursue a path of regional integration in order to leverage the advantage of size which is so critical in terms of competitiveness and economic security.
It is in the above context that the creation of the Caribbean Community some 50 years ago has to be situated. Guyana, along with Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago were signatories of the Treaty of Chaguaramas which set in motion the work of the Community.
To say that the Community has achieved much during the past five decades would be an understatement. Indeed, CARICOM has now become a household word, touching and influencing lives all across the region. Take for example the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).
Students preparing for the Caribbean Secondary School Examinations (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) in Guyana and the Caribbean are all too cognizant of the importance of the examinations, both for employment purposes and for admission to tertiary education.
The role played by CARICOM in terms of foreign policy coordination and trade harmonization cannot be overemphasized. Intra-regional trade has expanded significantly especially in the areas of agriculture and food security. Guyana now has the lead role in terms of agricultural development in the entire region.
Within recent times, there has been a heightened role of CARICOM in the preservation of democratic rule and adherence to democratic norms as enshrined in its Charter of Civil Society.
Through its judicial arm, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), important decisions were taken which included, but were not limited to democracy and democratic rule in Guyana, especially against the background of attempts by the previous Granger administration to perpetuate its term in office through undemocratic and unconstitutional means.
It will be recalled that CARICOM fielded a strong observer presence in the March 2020 General and Regional elections and was highly instrumental in the recounting exercise which thwarted attempts by the previous APNU+AFC coalition to tamper with the will of the Guyanese electorate.
The CARICOM Heads of State meeting currently underway will no doubt chart the way forward in terms of its mandate which is to create a single community and market. Much progress has already been made in terms of free movement of skills and resources.
High on the agenda is the issue of food and energy security, including the reduction of food imports from outside the region. Guyana, with its rich agricultural lands and vast hydrocarbon potential, has a key role to play as the region seeks to strategically reposition itself as a major player on the global landscape. Also on the agenda is the issue of climate change and climate financing and the political situation in Haiti
There is much to celebrate as the region observes its 50th anniversary since the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas on July 4, 1973.
The Guyana Government is fully committed to the integration process as manifested in the several initiatives taken by President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali in advancing the food security agenda and climate change at the highest leadership level.