EACH time I see a letter in the newspapers by Sydney King, AKA, Eusi Kwayana, written after March 3, 2020, I think how lucky this country was to have been spared the clutches of Kwayana.
Imagine if after self-government in the 1950s right through after Independence through to the 1980s, Kwayana was part of the government with actual Cabinet power.
It never happened, because if it did, Guyana would not have survived. Kwayana can only see Guyana through the lenses of ethnic genetics. Mr. King or Kwayana is a deterministic geneticist but not the genetics that E.O. Wilson wrote so brilliantly about. Mr. Kwayana’s deterministic genetics are hardly positive and has no capacity to lead researchers into directions of discovering what makes humans as great as they are flawed.
Mr. Kwayana published a letter in the papers yesterday about the alleged Mahdia arsonist. I will quote what he noted. Then I will offer a number of statements made by Mr. Kwayana on the March 2020 elections in direct response to me. After that, I will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that given the way he reasons, interprets reality and offers explanations of that reality that Mr. Kwayana is a practitioner of a methodology former US President, Donald Trump invented called, “alternative facts.”
Here is what Mr. King/Kwayana observed yesterday about the alleged arsonist: “One woman-child is being made to bear the brunt and burden of that unfortunate accident. In it, to me, there was no sign of criminal malice. With the recent outburst of accusations about the ravishment of a young woman-child of the first nations there is every sign of not only premeditation but of cover-up and official participation in this cover-up.”
I will ask readers to pay careful attention to the above quote because there is no ambiguity; Kwayana talks about what he knows.
Three things he knows in that quote above: The alleged arsonist is being made to bear the brunt. Please note Kwayana’s choice words “BEING MADE (emphasis mine) to bear the brunt;” there was no criminal intent by the accused arsonist; and he knows that in a recent episode there is a cover-up and official participation in such.
Please note that he says he knows. Here are my quotes from Kwayana’s pen on Kwayana’s attitude to election rigging from March, 2020 to July 2020
Quote 1 – April 6, 2020- Kaieteur News (KN): “I consider it unhelpful about facts I do not have. I have always tried to make only such allegations as are founded in evidence.”
Q2- May 14, 2020, KN: “I have refused from my location to single out any individual or party as responsible for what appears to be undeniable irregularities.”
Q3- June 2, 2020, KN: “I am a curious observer, from a great distance, of what I can hear and not read because of my impaired vision of the March 2 Elections.”
The juxtapositions of these quotes remind us of the early Kwayana then, named Sydney King (and the Sydney King in him took on new light and new meaning after March 2020) of what he did in the 1960s when he openly called for the partition of Guyana into an Indian and African sections. Looking back then, Guyana was indeed spared in that his advocacy fell by the wayside where it belonged.
Here now are my comments on the juxtaposition of the quotes. (1)- In 2020, Kwayana was 95. Now he is 98. Since writing about his vision in 2020, Mr. Kwayana has penned more than10 letters to the newspapers. One has to be glad his eyesight has improved.
(2) – He writes that he operates from a great distance and could not point fingers at anyone. But he is still at a great distance and he is pointing fingers. Maybe by some weird shift in the tectonic plates of the earth, Sydney is now right in Guyana.
(3) – Sydney tells us he only composes allegations funded on evidence. So what evidence does he have that somewhere, some source is causing the alleged arsonist to bear the brunt of what happened at Mahdia. The police simply, and the emphasis should be on ‘charged someone who is alleged, as told to the police by eyewitnesses, made an incendiary device that created an inferno that killed 20 persons.
(4) – Sydney King becomes a thoughtless person and descended to levels of rascality by asserting that there was no criminal intent by the accused arsonist. And how Sydney knows this? How can anyone know this without talking to the alleged wrong-doer? As far as I know Sydney did not interview the accused. Did he?