GTT connects more than 150,000 homes, businesses to ‘fibre’ service

THE Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT), on Monday, announced that 150,000 homes and businesses now have access to its high-speed fibre service, after recently making the service available to more than 1,100 homes and 170 businesses in Tuschen on the West Coast of Demerara, Region Three.

The company is the first to deliver Fibre technology to Guyanese and technicians have since worked assiduously to roll out more than 3,000 miles (about 4828.03 km) of fibre thus far.
Through its fibre deployment, two in every three homes now have access to fibre services, as the company further commits to ensuring over 75 per cent of homes will have fibre connectivity by the end of 2024.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GTT Damian Blackburn, said that GTT recognises the vital role connectivity plays in empowering individuals, facilitating business growth, and enhancing quality of life.

“This achievement reflects our commitment to transforming lives through advanced telecommunication solutions, and we are excited to continue driving positive change in Guyana. By rolling out fibre to two in every three homes, we are unlocking endless possibilities for education, entrepreneurship, healthcare, and socio-economic development,” he said.

Blackburn added that GTT’s dedication to delivering reliable connectivity ensures that customers can fully embrace the digital world and enjoy uninterrupted access to information, entertainment, and online services.

The company’s fibre service has significantly strengthened communities across Guyana, by enabling students to participate in remote learning, empowering entrepreneurs to leverage e-commerce opportunities.

By embracing innovation, GTT is ensuring that Guyana remains at the forefront of digital transformation and can readily adapt to emerging technologies.

To celebrate the massive 150,000 accomplishment, the company will be throwing a free public concert titled “150K Fete,” at the Marriott Hotel on Friday June 23. Performing live will be Farmer Nappy and Teddyson John, among several local stars including Calvin Burnett and Steven Ramphal. Patrons will get the opportunity to win 150 prizes plus cash.

The company said it remains committed to advancing connectivity and creating a digital future that benefits all Guyanese.


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