AT the invitation of the President of Brazil, the Heads of State of South American countries met in Brasilia, on May 30, 2023, to exchange views and perspectives on cooperation and the integration of South America.
1. The Presidents reaffirmed the common vision of South America as a region of peace and cooperation, based on dialogue and on the respect for the diversity of our peoples, committed to democracy and human rights, sustainable development and social justice, the upholding of sovereignty and non-interference.
2. Concurred that the world is facing multiple crises, in a context of climate crisis, threats to peace and international security, pressure on food and energy chains, the risk of new pandemics, increase in social inequalities and threats to institutional and democratic stability.
3. Agreed that regional integration should be part of the solution to the common challenges of building a peaceful world, strengthening democracy, promoting social and economic development, fighting poverty, hunger, and all forms of inequality and discrimination, promoting gender equality, managing migration in a safe, orderly and regular manner, tackling climate change, including through innovative financing mechanisms for climate action, fostering ecological and energy transition through clean energy, strengthening health capacities and combatting transnational organized crime.
4. Committed to work towards increasing trade and investment among the countries of the region, improving infrastructure and logistics, strengthening regional value chains, effectively implementing trade facilitation and financial-integration measures, reducing asymmetries, eliminating unilateral measures and increasing market access through the network of economic- complementation agreements under LAIA, [with the aim of reaching a] [ALT: with the aim of perfecting the] South American Free Trade Area.
5. Recognized the contribution of the different South American integration mechanisms, including UNASUR, and reaffirmed the shared objective of having an inclusive, effective and permanent South American platform of dialogue and cooperation, which is capable of promoting and maintaining the South American integration process and projecting the voice of the region in a multipolar world.
6. Decided to establish a [High-Level Group] [ALT: Contact Group], [comprising representatives of the Presidents] [ALT: led by the Foreign Ministers], to evaluate the experiences of South American integration mechanisms and draft a roadmap for the integration of South America, to be submitted for consideration of the Heads of State.
7. Agreed to promptly promote South American cooperation initiatives open to the participation of all interested parties, with a social and gender approach, in areas that concern the immediate needs of citizens, in particular the most vulnerable, including indigenous peoples, such as health, food security, food systems based on traditional agriculture, the environment, water resources, natural disasters, infrastructure and logistics, energy interconnection and clean energy, digital transformation, defence, border integration and security, and cybersecurity.
8. Agreed to meet again, on a date and place to be determined, in order to review the progress of the South American cooperation initiatives and determine the next steps. (Office of the President)