Deadly fire…the fallout

I AM still in a state of partial shock, one week after the awful news I woke up to last Monday morning, when I learned that 19 children had died in a fire in Mahdia. Indeed, the nation is still reeling from what is the worst tragedy of its kind to ever happen in this country.
The flames which swept through the Mahdia Secondary School Girls’ Dormitory, also injured several others, who had to be air-dashed to Georgetown for treatment. Eighteen teenaged girls and the 5-year-old son of the dormitory custodian perished in the blaze.

And if I am in this state of emotional upheaval, how much more so must be the survivors, family, friends and especially the parents of the deceased, some of whom lost their only child and in one instance lost twins.
The fact that the fire was apparently deliberately set by one of the girls, upset over the confiscation of her cell phone, makes this act even more horrendous, especially because 13 of the girls were burned beyond recognition.

Adding to their stress, some parents have therefore had to submit to DNA testing so that remains can be properly identified. Then there is the ‘waiting game’, as the samples had to be shipped abroad for testing. So, while some have been able to claim the bodies of their children, others have not.
Also, at the time of writing, several girls – all in their early and mid-teens – were still hospitalised – and at least one was fighting for her life owing to the severity of the burns.
These parents now have to suffer the anguish of visiting their children in hospital, many wondering when and if they will recover and all knowing that these girls will be left with both emotional and physical scars for the rest of their lives.

While at this time I know little about the young woman responsible for this tragedy and what actions will be taken against her, as investigations are ongoing, I do know that she suffered injuries but escaped the fire.
However, the word ‘escape’ may not even apply to her as I am certain that she will be plagued by mental health issues throughout her life when she absorbs the horror of what she has done to people she knew, some of whom were probably her friends.
Yet I must wonder at the circumstances which led this teenager to take such drastic action and what other measures could have been taken to deal with the matter of her involvement with an older man and to prevent such a horrific outcome.

These issues need to be addressed and lessons learned, particularly as it applies to the handling of adolescents, the provision of adequate facilities and the security protocols that need to be instituted to keep them safe in such an environment.
It is not enough, nor is it desirable, for us to simply lay all the blame for this tragedy at ‘the feet’ of the young girl who lit the flame and to cast aspersions on her ethnic background.
The period of adolescence is a difficult one, fraught with psychological, emotional and physical changes, which can happen differently for each teen.
It is a time that young girls are most susceptible to outside influences, particularly that of their peers, and when they seek greater independence from adults. It is also a period during which teens may become rebellious and begin to ‘act out’. Perhaps that was the case with this teenager and we have yet to see what legal action may be taken against the older man involved.
We are told by experts that adolescence can be a time of confusion, given the physical and mental changes taking place and a time requiring “great adjustment” in moving from “the world of the child to the world of the adult.”

While I certainly do not condone the dreadful actions of this teenager, I urge those who are the guardians and caregivers of adolescents to ‘sit up and take notice.’
Rather than just meting out punishment, we also need to do as the experts advise and “open conversations” about the issues that impact our young people.
The Health Children Organization recommends, “This open door will help with conversations about other important topics such as healthy relationships, sex, sexuality, consent and safety…”
Along with proper security and meaningful supervision it may also help to avert the kind of tragedy that has left this nation mourning.
My heartfelt condolences to the parents, families and friends of the deceased and my thoughts and prayers remain with the parents of those who are still hospitalised.

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