IN anticipation of the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGEs), the ranks of Regional Police Division #3 (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) gathered on Monday for a crucial lecture on ‘E-Day’ preparedness.
Assistant Superintendent Delon Fraser, a lawyer attached to the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) chambers, led the informative session, focusing on key topics to ensure a smooth and lawful electoral process.
The lecture provided a valuable opportunity for Fraser to meet and interact with the ranks to ensure they were well-informed about their crucial roles, functions, and responsibilities during the election process.
The main focus of the lecture was to equip the police ranks with the necessary knowledge and understanding of various key topics related to Election Day.
The lecture covered five key topics essential for maintaining order and upholding the law during the election.
Fraser emphasised the importance of identifying and addressing any misconduct in polling places. Ranks were provided with the necessary knowledge and strategies to ensure a secure and fair environment for voters.
The lecture also shed light on potential offences that could take place within polling places. Ranks were educated on the types of violations and the urgency of taking immediate action to preserve the integrity of the electoral process.
The senior officer also highlighted the significance of detecting and preventing attempts to forge official election documents. Ranks were trained to identify signs of forgery and take appropriate measures to safeguard the authenticity of electoral materials.
The ranks also received detailed information on proxy voting and the necessary precautions to ensure its proper usage. By understanding the regulations and potential misuse of proxy papers, the ranks are better equipped to detect and prevent any fraudulent activities associated with this process.
The lecture also covered minor offences that may occur during the electoral process. Ranks were reminded to promptly address these infractions, maintaining law and order while ensuring a fair and transparent election.
“Ranks were reminded of their roles, functions and responsibilities on E-Day to ensure that persons are able to cast their ballots in an orderly manner and to ensure the maintenance of law and order,” police said.
Eligible members of the Joint Services will vote in the LGE on Friday, June 2, 2023, while citizens will vote on June 12, 2023.