Grassroots Involvement

THE PPP/C administration has embarked on a governance approach in which the views and inputs of stakeholders are key elements. This is manifested in the several outreach visits to several regions of Guyana, led by President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali; Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips; Vice-President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and other senior government functionaries.

This is part of a bottom-up approach to development whereby the views and concerns of ordinary people are solicited to inform government programmes and policies.
President Ali has always insisted on a governance modality that is driven by grassroots involvement.

He had repeatedly said that the approach of his administration to decision-making is one of stakeholder engagement, which could pave the way for realisation of the One Guyana vision. People are central to development and it is only natural that they contribute to that process of nation-building.

Information-sharing, it must be said, is an important management concept. From a governance perspective, it can be a dynamic and interactive process, one in which citizens raise issues of concern to them and propose possible solutions. The government on the other hand can update citizens on policies and programmes put in place to address issues of concern.

This is democracy in action for which the PPP/C administration must be commended. It was the PPP/C administration that initiated the practice of Cabinet outreaches, whereby the President, Cabinet ministers and senior government officials are afforded the opportunity to interface directly with members of the respective communities; to listen to issues of concern and come up with possible solutions.

This approach to governance stands in sharp contrast to the top-heavy and bureaucratic style of governance under the previous APNU+AFC administration, which in the main was characterised by aloofness and inaccessibility between the governed and those in leadership positions.

There was a time in our history when accountability to the people was never regarded as a governance principle.

Accountability and good governance is one of the hallmarks of the PPP/C administration. This approach to governance has been repeatedly made by President Ali.

Indeed, the culture of governance in Guyana has now changed to one of greater transparency and accountability to the people of Guyana, for which the PPP/C administration must be commended.

No party or government anywhere has been able to completely root out corruption, but people everywhere – including Guyana – can ascertain what’s true and what’s false.

The PPP/C administration has proven that it will not take the bait and respond to the opposition’s frivolous claims and demands. Those alleging corruption know where to take their claims if they can prove their allegations, but until then, their claims will remain just that – unproven and unsubstantiated allegations by an opposition party that still hasn’t recovered from the hangover of trying to steal the last elections.

Guyanese will soon again have another chance of reminding the PNC/R that it’s come to the end of its road as a viable political alternative to the PPP/C, whose record is out and open, in plain sight, and continues being commended by Guyanese, at home and abroad, for ensuring the nation’s new wealth is shared in ways that people can actually see, feel and enjoy.



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