Chinese modernisation conceived in China, opportunities it brings belong to world

(People’s Daily) “China will provide new opportunities for global development with new accomplishments in Chinese modernization, lend new impetus to humanity’s search for paths toward modernisation and better social systems, and work with all countries to advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.”

The above remarks were made by Chinese President Xi Jinping in a congratulatory message to the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernisation and the World held at the Meet-the-World Lounge in Shanghai on April 21.

The event, along with the previously held special forum “Understanding China – GBA Dialogue” in Guangzhou, south China’s Guangdong province, both focused on the opportunities brought about by Chinese modernisation to the world.

Attendees to the two meetings believed that Chinese modernisation is conceived in China, and the opportunities it brings belong to the world.

Realizing modernisation is a relentless pursuit of the Chinese people since modern times began, and it is also the common aspiration of people of all countries. Over the past 100 years and more, China has found by itself a path to modernisation, and created a new form of human advancement. Ample facts have proved that there is no fixed model of, or single solution to, modernisation. Any country can achieve modernisation, as long as the path suits its conditions and answers the need of its people for development.

Former Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf called Chinese modernisation a gift to the world. Gambian Foreign Minister Mamadou Tangara said that the modernity of China is an inspiration and proof to all that every country has its unique and viable options to anchor its development pursuit.

The modernisation of China will be a stronger boost for global economic recovery and open up a broader path to the common development of all countries.

Over the past decade, China has contributed more to global growth than all the G7 countries combined. Today, China is the main trading partner of over 140 countries and regions, making $320 million direct investment around the world each day and attracting over 3,000 foreign businesses every month. With over 1.4 billion people on course toward modernisation and common prosperity, China will create more opportunities for global development.

The international community believes that China is the biggest hope in revitalising global economy, and hopes to take the opportunities brought by the country’s high-quality development and higher-standard opening-up.

The Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative proposed by China have built important platforms for countries to achieve common progress and prosperity. British scholar Martin Jacques noted that Chinese modernisation in essence is providing opportunities to the world, especially developing countries.

The modernisation of China will open up bright prospects for human progress and provide a more viable pathway to a clean and beautiful world.

China takes people’s free and well-rounded development as the ultimate goal of modernisation. The well-rounded development of people means not only material abundance but also cultural-ethical enrichment.

The Global Civilisation Initiative proposed by China promotes the respect for the diversity of civilisations, and advances the principles of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness among civilisations. It advocates the importance of inheritance and innovations of civilisations, and of enhancing international cultural and people-to-people exchanges and co-operation.

Chinese modernisation will add new vigor and vitality to the profound Chinese civilisation, and contribute more Chinese wisdom to global peace and prosperity and to human progress. China, focusing on the harmony between humanity and nature in planning its development, readily takes on its responsibility of protecting the environment and tackling climate change, and leads the world on many counts such as the scale of artificial afforestation. It will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.

Co-chair of the Board of Trustees of the Asia Society of the United States John L. Thornton hailed that Chinese modernisation is very compelling, enduring and inspiring, adding that he sees it as a guide to higher-level human development.

The modernisation of China will bring more certainty to world peace and stability and boost the force for peace and justice.

China is the only country in the world that pledges to “keep to a path of peaceful development” in its Constitution. China is the top contributor of peacekeeping personnel among the permanent members of the UN Security Council, and the only country among the five Nuclear-Weapon States that has made the promise of no-first-use of nuclear weapons.

The Global Security Initiative put forward by China has pointed out the right direction of pursuing common and universal security. China has taken an impartial stance and pushed for peace talks in order to reduce the pressure and lower the temperature around the Ukraine crisis. Facilitated by China, Saudi Arabia and Iran resumed diplomatic relations. Following a path of peaceful development, the country has made important contributions to fostering a new type of international relations and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

As the biggest developing country, China always keeps in mind the greater good of the whole world. While pursuing its own development, it is also injecting more positive energy into world peace and creating more opportunities for global development. China is ready to work together with all parties to promote diverse ways of modernisation and create an even brighter future for our planet.


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