Dear Editor,
The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has publicly expressed appreciation for the bold, supportive response they received on Nomination Day. The reactions, without a doubt, strengthen the party’s resolve to work even harder to assure our nation’s confidence.
Many are, for the first time representing the PPP/C side of the political divide, revealing an energised sense of objectivity rather than blind racial or political allegiance. In addition, the commitment of almost two thousand youths, men, women, and more experienced adults from all ethnicities, religious persuasions, and the general business environment, draws massive plaudits.
Fearlessly, they have stepped forward on the party’s recommended list to contest candidacy for a role in improving the effectiveness of the councils in the various Local Authority Areas nationwide. As a symbol, the kaleidoscopic dominance of the red, black, and gold was colossal and a statement of solid emphasis on the party’s intent to advance the pursuit of the all-inclusive ‘One Guyana’ platform, bringing our people together for the common good.
More than 2,000 quality candidates proudly wore the dominating colors supporting the PPP/C recommended list in all 600 constituencies. Observers and supporters who joined many of the processions to the Guyana Elections Commission’s offices could not help but share the deserving sense of confidence and euphoria in response to a revelation of the demonstrated unity in diversity.
Experience, youth, ethnic and gender balance informed and defined the vitality of the PPP/C teams. One can easily rationalise that the PPP/C’s preparation resulting in the expanding support within all communities, cannot be understated. President Ali, General Secretary Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Prime Minister Brigadier Retired Mark Phillips, and all of the ministers have continuously embraced our citizenry in every community.
Unsurprisingly, our eminent leaders of the PPP/C accompanied their proud guardians of democracy on the streets on Nomination Day. So naturally, the teams exhibited aggressive but peaceful confidence as the processions marched to present the Lists of Candidates for all the Local Authority areas. Notably, the PPP/C’s willingness to accommodate people of all political divides on their list is heartening as this country is living the motto of President Irfaan Ali’s ‘One Guyana.’ Consequently, the confidence, optimism, and vitality we witnessed on Nomination Day sent a clear message of victory on 12th June.
Significantly, in these 2023 LGEs, the PPP/C is already enjoying a massive lead with no contest in approximately fifty per cent of the constituencies. The main PNC/R opposition or other shallow coalition support failed to field candidates contesting in these areas for many apparent reasons. This position is not overly unexpected, as many citizens may have become disgusted with the increasingly exposed untrustworthiness of the cabal leadership.
Naturally, one will reasonably anticipate the outcomes above because they characteristically resonate from the core of the party’s structure and methods. But critically, the unwillingness of their administrators to adapt to fair democratic practices will continuously provide reasons why their rejection is justified.
The coalition with the PNC and the ‘United Force’ (UF) in 1964 revealed that the PNC was untrustworthy. Further, the alliance in 2015 with the formation of the APNU+AFC was a revelation of total corruption and discrimination, which provides testimony of the PNC’s determination to rule only in favor of a chosen few party ‘mercenaries.’ As was done with the UF in 1964, the PNC’s refusal to give any space to the coalition partners, even at the local council levels, was bound to destroy any meaningful alliance as an opposition.
Deservingly, the PPP/C is now enjoying the widespread support of the Guyanese people. The party leaders have worked hard and fearless in crafting a molding framework of openness, inclusiveness, and willingness to work in a transparent and accountable manner that is now materialising a ‘One Guyana.’
The massive development and transformation of Guyana is a reality. Among the many empowering initiatives are the successful housing drive and the accompanying supportive education and health sector push, which will firmly bed the required foundation for stimulating an open and meaningful development platform, changing our lives and progress as a united people.
In addition, the massive infrastructure development targets better roads, improvements in the drainage and irrigation system and expansive but more affordable food production, which is most encouraging. Guyana is rising, and our people are wiser and demonstrating more vital objectivity in political decisions. Together, the PPP/C will continue to develop our country technologically, economically, politically, and socially thereby creating advantages for citizens and making our country a better place to live.
We must, in one voice, ‘say no to rigged elections!’ Instead, we must sustain, strengthen and encourage the reasons behind the PPP/C’s kaleidoscope of colours on Nomination Day and, at these LGEs, unite our people with free and fair elections.
Neil Kumar