Dear Editor,
Please afford me the space to respond to a missive by Nigel Westmaas which was published in the press under the title “Randy Persaud, the new…Czar at OP…” (KN April 21, 2023).
Mr. Westmaas is correct that I have responded to several individuals, groups, and organisations regarding the economic and political situation in our country.
I tried my best to decipher Westmaas’ concerns but did not find anything of substance except that he is concerned with my effectiveness in critiquing and exposing the repeated falsehoods peddled against the current PPP/C administration. He also posed some questions regarding Freddie Kissoon, which I shall soon address.
Westmaas should understand that I write of my own free will. I can now state boldly and without apologies that I will not stand down and watch the Georgetown elite and their overseas friends attached to the PNC/R and WPA attack the democratically elected PPP/C without challenging them.
Note that my writing is always based on two central principles. Firstly, I write to push back against the abuses that come from the mouths and pens of the usual suspects as delineated and described by Freddie Kissoon.
I have no problem in exposing the fundamental flaws in the arguments, claims, and propositions of the Group of 26 that have been trying their best to sink Guyana, albeit under the guise of patriotism.
I have no problem pointing out the duplicity of Red Thread, GHRA, and an amalgam of garden variety civil society groups that are in politics for the mere pleasure (jouissance) of it. I challenge Mr. Westmaas, or any of his comrades, to point to a single factual error or misrepresentation I have made to date.
Secondly, I am keen on clarifying issues of public policy and public interest for those who do not have as much time to follow the issues as closely as they might like.
At times it is necessary for me to resort to the use of political, social, and economic theory. On other occasions, I concern myself with decoding the analyses of several APNU/WPA/AFC linked intellectuals. I do not see these engagements as unproductive.
Debating is a good thing. I suspect that Mr. Westmaas was moved to do his bit against me precisely because, unlike loudmouths, I am prepared to deal with the intellectuals sponsored by the APNU, WPA, and AFC, on their own territory.
Westmaas should know that I have no reservations exposing the half-truths of those like MP Annette Ferguson who claimed LFS Burnham was sent by God. Nor do I have any second thoughts about demonstrating the fallacies and tactical patriotism of one of the Peeping Toms in KN.
Regarding Freddie Kissoon, I can say, yes, we have had differences in the past. Westmaas wants to know what has changed. Well, Freddie already cleared that up – the sustained effort to rig the 2020 National and Regional elections in Guyana wounded him in a way and he vowed to stand forever in defense of the democratic rights of all Guyanese.
Westmaas should know that humans do not come into this world with prefabricated social, cultural, and political identities.
These are acquired through experience. Freddie Kissoon has been open-minded enough and courageous enough to make a stand, and to be strong enough to withstand the consequences. But make no mistake, Freddie will be back.
Like Freddie, numerous previous supporters of the PNCR have crossed over to the PPP as we saw just days ago with the LGE nominations. I doubt that Westmaas seriously believes people are born with fixed political identities.
Unlike Freddie, the same cannot be said for any number of the people who will no doubt be the beneficiaries of Westmaas’ diatribe.
Might I remind you that the top WPA activist, Dr David Hinds, an Associate Professor at Arizona State University, called for the 2020 elections to be thrown out.
Should I stay silent on that? Should I or anyone else stay silent on Ogunseye’s filiopietistic proclivities that descend into world-class race-baiting? Should I stay silent on Amanza Walton-Desir’s despicable characterisation of the Government of Guyana as approaching totalitarianism?
Should I stay silent of Melinda Janki’s trashing of Guyana’s oil and gas industry when, in fact, she was on the payroll of the same oil companies she has all but declared war against today?
I am a citizen of this country, and I can assure you my voice will be heard. I will continue to expose the unsubstantiated innuendos, the half-truths, the outright lies, and certainly, the propaganda of the intellectual, highfalutin personalities from Georgetown, Brooklyn, Toronto, London, British Columbia, Arizona, Germany, or wherever else they may be.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Randolph Persaud