Global ambassador hopes to inspire Guyanese women, girls
Global ambassador hopes to inspire Guyanese women, girls
Global ambassador hopes to inspire Guyanese women, girls

AMERICAN education advocate, global ambassador and American film maker, Zuriel Oduwole, is continuing her advocacy across the globe and is hoping to inspire Guyanese women and girls.

In keeping with International Women’s Day, the Guyana Marriott Hotel hosted a meet and greet seminar on Saturday with Oduwole, who is best known for meeting with heads of state around the world to discuss policies regarding girls’ education across the continent of Africa and the Caribbean.

At the event, Oduwole met with some of the young girls from the Carnegie School of Home Economics, the Government Technical Institute (GTI) and some other young girls and women at the hotel.

During her presentation, Oduwole underscored the importance of having dreams and not limiting themselves but said partnerships can help to support the dreams that they have for themselves or others. Additionally, she emphasised the key role of parents and other adults because they can provide for young people within their homes and communities.

After listening to the very insightful and informative session, Oduwole encouraged those gathered to share what their dreams and aspirations were.

After her session, Oduwole spoke exclusively with the Guyana Chronicle and explained that her main goal was to show herself as an example.

According to Oduwole, she does a lot of work in education advocacy by trying to get more out of schoolchildren. She is especially trying to get girls around the world back in school and help them understand that they have more opportunities in life when they have a solid education.

American education advocate, global ambassador and American film maker Zuriel Oduwole engaging young women and girls at the Guyana Marriott Hotel on Saturday (Delano Willams photo)

“I was allowed to go to school and so I try to use myself as an example to not only talk to girls but to show them what they can do with their lives too. I want girls to see that they are allowed to go to school and get an education and also be supported by their families and communities. I get to speak to children in schools and encourage them to complete their education, let them know the importance of having dreams and help them understand through seeing me that their dreams will not only impact them alone but other people within their families, their communities and possibly the world,” Oduwole said.

The young advocate also related that she wants to ensure that the young people understand the importance of supporting each other. That is why, as part of her mission, she engages world how they can help keep children, especially girls, in school.

She also expressed how pleased she was with the welcome and hospitality that she was shown by the people of Guyana as well as the First Lady of Guyana, Mrs. Arya Ali. She expects to return to Guyana and work alongside Mrs. Ali.

To date, Oduwole has met with 36 world leaders and has lent her voice to the passage of a bill that seeks to end child marriage in Mozambique.

Also speaking with the Sunday Chronicle, the General Manager of the Guyana Marriott Hotel, Eduardo Reple, said, “I am very proud to be in Guyana and influence our staff through the initiative of having Zuriel with us. It is an opportunity for them and young people to see that they have a bright future ahead of them if they want it and believe it. Sometimes society is very tough because it does not provide enough for you, but with these types of initiatives, we are hoping that it will help our younger generation.”

Meanwhile, the Human Resources Director at the Guyana Marriot Hotel, Lalbahadur Singh, said Oduwole was chosen because of what she stands for and what she has been doing for young people, especially young girls around the world.

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