A FIRE of unknown origin gutted the dwelling house of 31-year-old Ericka Gonsalves of Kwakwani Waterfront, on the Upper Berbice River, in Region 10, on Thursday night.
According to the police, the fire occurred at approximately 18:30 hours.
Erica said that at around 06:00 hours, she turned on the lights in the house and the electrical fan in her bedroom and later left for her mother’s residence, which is located about two houses away.
The woman further related that at about 18:30 hours, she noticed smoke coming from the house, and immediately ran over, only to discover that it was already engulfed in flames.
The Guyana Fire Service was summoned, and upon reaching the location, went into action and managed to extinguish the fire. However, the house was already gone.
Investigations are ongoing.