Vision Boards

I WOULD like to acknowledge all the people who consistently read this column and give feedback, especially Hon. Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Anthony Phillips, Prime Minister of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Her Marshall, Alicia Daniels, Ayana McCalman, and Lynette Duncan.

I thoroughly enjoy going home to Bartica to recharge and catch up with colleagues, friends, and family. I also try to do something meaningful to add value to the people in the community. My school friend, Mary, from Mary’s Sunset Resort, collaborated with me to host a Vision Board Party at her beautiful venue. Imagine overlooking the Mazaruni River while working on your vision for 2023 and beyond.

It was a fantastic Sunday afternoon that motivated me even more to make my dreams and goals a reality.

I was happy to see some guys enthusiastically preparing their boards. It was a joy to watch mothers and daughters creating their boards and discussing their visions. The participants created their Vision Board and spoke of their way for the things they have on the board. They were also tasked with creating an action plan to support their visions.

Your WHY is something to consider that will make your  goal setting more effective our commitment to going for long periods, building our motivation, and taking the necessary actions to achieve

WHY: Your why will fuel your motivation and help you overcome any obstacle between you and your goal. Other factors that are worth taking into consideration to help you convert the vision into reality are:

AMBITION: This is about focusing on the future and the ideal reality we want to create. EXECUTABLE: Your goal has to be big enough to make you feel excited, but not too big to paralyze you with fear. Specific: You must understand all the elements that make up your goal, so you can measure if you’re on the right track.

OBJECTIVE: You must have clarity on the steps you need to take to achieve your goal.

MEASURABLE: You have to have ways to measure your progress every month to know where you stand.

EXPIRATION: Your goal has to have an expiring timeline, because a deadline will naturally move you into action.

These tips can assist you with setting your goals and creating your action plan. Action is necessary for the manifestation of your vision. I am anticipating a great time today with the people in Berbice for their Vision Board party. It is at Leisure Inn at 4pm, and I challenge you to call 6848129, because we may just have a space for you.

It is impossible to write about vision and not share content from my number one mentor, the late great Myles Munroe. Sharing an empowering summary from his book, PRINCIPLES AND POWER OF VISION.

According to Dr. Munroe, vision is a mental picture of your future; it is the unveiling of God’s plan for your life. It is capturing an idea or a clear picture of what can be in the future to propel the present to begin to act towards it. It is seeing the unseen, so that what is seen can be translated into what can be.

Vision unlocks what was, and what is to propel you into the land of what could be. Vision sets you free from the limitations of what eyes see, and allows you to enter the liberty of what the heart can feel. Vision makes the unseen visible, and the unknown possible.

How to Get a Vision for Your Life by Myles Munroe
1. Understand that your vision is already in you
Your vision is from God, but He already put it in your heart at Creation. It is not something you possess, but something that possesses you; you can’t go away from it. It is that desire that is more than the mere interest that always persists in your heart, even when all odds are against it.

Related: How To Fulfill Your Vision; Your Vision For Your Life by Myles Munroe

2. Vision is unselfish
Vision should focus on helping humanity, or building up others in some way. It should be accompanied by compassion, and one must be careful and sensitive not to hurt anyone on the way to achieving it. Although some people might oppose you due to a lack of understanding of your vision, your vision still should not destroy the life of anyone.

3. Vision builds God’s Kingdom, not your kingdom
Your perspective and motivation towards the fulfillment of your vision should be God-centered. Working towards the fulfillment of your vision should be a tool for fulfillment of purpose not creating a life of luxury for yourself.

4. Your vision will always be found within a larger corporate vision
Some people will receive a vision from God to start a big corporation or ministry, while others will not. However, everyone’s vision is part of a larger corporate vision. The one who receives a vision to start a corporation cannot fulfill that vision in isolation; he needs the input of another to see that vision fulfilled.

In a corporate vision, no person or role is inferior, and no person or role is more important. Each one is on a mission to fulfill their purpose, which is in a role another will not allow them to fulfill.
Obstacles to Fulfilling Vision (Principles and Power of Vision by Myles Munroe)

1. Not understanding the nature of vision
A goal is what you want to accomplish within a stipulated time; a mission is a general statement of purpose that declares the overall idea of what to accomplish, while a vision is a distinctive direction or approach for accomplishing the mission.

2. Not recognizing the cost of vision
Vision doesn’t get fulfilled without diligent pursuit. Success comes in installments so you must continue to pay the price to unveil each stage of success.

3. Not knowing the principles of vision
Successful visionaries don’t pursue vision haphazardly. They understand the principles that guide the vision and follow them dutifully.

The Bible mentions vision many times and one of my favourites is Habakkuk 2:2-3  “Write down the vision; write it clearly on clay tablets so whoever reads it can run to tell others. It is not yet time for the message to come true, but that time is coming soon; the message will come true. It may seem like a long time, but be patient and wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not be delayed.

Let’s continue daily to see the best life on the mental screen as we continue to celebrate this beautiful journey called life BEYOND THE RUNWAY.

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