National Sports Policy to be completed in 2023 – Min. Charles Ramson Jr.
Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport Charles Ramson Jr.
Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport Charles Ramson Jr.

MINISTER of Culture, Youth & Sports, Charles Ramon Jr., during his budget debate speech yesterday, highlighted the fact that locally, sports marked some major achievements in 2022 and the Government of Guyana (GoG) has made a commitment to continue the upward trajectory in this industry. More so, the historic 2023 $4.3B allocated for Sports is testament to the ambition and vision for sports by the Dr. Irfaan Ali-led PPP/C administration.

Apart from the major infrastructural works for sports, which were announced during Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh’s initial presentation, Minister Ramson’s announcement of the completion of a National Sports Policy in 2023 is amazing news for sports in Guyana since the source of many of the issues in sports locally arrive from the lack of a National Policy.

The aforementioned infrastructural works include construction of the state-of-the-art stadium at Palmyra, Corentyne, multi-purpose facilities in the hinterland; rehabilitation of the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall; construction of stands and grass mounds in Regions Two and Six; extension of the Squash court at the National Racquet Centre, and the procurement of sport gear. (Calvin Chapman)


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