Father Malcolm Rodrigues stood up for democracy

NEWS of the passing of Father Malcolm Rodrigues is sad for Guyana, as he is remembered as someone who fought to restore free and fair elections, at a time when Burnham’s goons were out to squelch all opposition to the PNC dictatorship.

The younger generation must know that despite Guyana being the “richest” country in CARICOM, but having the lowest standard of living and lowest currency (lower that Haiti) started under the PNC’s era of rigged elections and undemocratic rule.

Mr. Burnham and the PNC established “Paramountcy of the Party” and you were okay as long as you kowtowed to the party and do not oppose its practices, including ongoing rigging of elections.

Your fortunes rose, if you supported the PNC dictatorship, and fortunes sank if you criticised the PNC’s policies and practices. The PNC controlled the “commanding heights of the economy” and all the public corporations were named “GUY” something – GUYWA, GUYSTAC, GUYBRIDGE, GUYBANK, etc. So, the PNC and its operatives controlled everything, as the government had an oversized, controlling role in the economy (just like now).

It is in this context that Father Rodrigues shone brightly and was a voice for the poor and destitute, struggling daily to survive (just like today). The PPP was the Opposition in 1968-1992, and stood in the gap to fight the PNC dictatorship and restore democracy.

At that time, a lot of people were silent and did not openly oppose the Burnham dictatorship. Everybody was scared. The church people were silent, especially the Pentecostals – Assemblies of God, Full Gospel Fellowship, New Testament Church of God, Elim Pentecostal, and others.

These church people “prayed” for Burnham and the government, but did nothing to protest or oppose the dictatorship.

The two strongest voices against the PNC’s reign of terror were the Catholic Church under Bishop Benedict Singh and the Anglican Church under Bishop Randolph George. When the other churches were telling people to pray for the government, that the PNC were Christians, and the alternative – the PPP were Hindus and atheists – Bishop George and Bishop Singh bellowed denunciations against the various atrocities committed by the PNC.

Father Rodrigues also became one of those Christian voices against the PNC dictatorship, speaking at many public forums. He was a nice man, fearless, and spoke up for the people of Guyana when it mattered most and his life was at risk of harm by the governing powers.

He is not like some of those religious leaders today who say nothing about national ills. Father Darke and Father Morrison were other heroes.

As Martin Luther King said: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Father Rodrigues stood for the masses as a giant, lending his support and involvement to restore democracy to Guyana. To honour the legacy of this Guyana hero, we must emulate him. Rest in peace dear Brother. All Guyana appreciates your service and difference you made.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Jerry Jailall

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