GNBS puts together grand plan of activities for National Quality Week 2022

Dear Editor,
TODAY, Sunday October 09, marks the beginning of National Quality Week (NQW) 2022, which is spearheaded by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS). This year, the GNBS has several engaging activities planned to commemorate the occasion, for its staff, its stakeholders, and the public.
The week of activities surrounds World Standards Day, which is observed annually on October 14. For World Standards Day this year, the focus continues to be on standards to build a world that is fairer and more sustainable for our future generations. The theme identified by the key International Organisations for Standards is “A SHARED VISION FOR A BETTER WORLD.” As in 2021, this theme for 2022 continues to focus on affirming the importance of the SDGs to “build back better” after the COVID-19 pandemic.
To start off the week, on Sunday, October 09 and Monday October 10, video messages will be aired by the Hon Oneidge Walrond, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, and the Acting Executive Director of the GNBS, respectively. These messages will be published on social media and other media outlets.
On Tuesday, October 11, the GNBS in collaboration with the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) and CARIFORUM will host a National Dialogue forum for Agro-processors at the Regency Suites, Hadfield Street, Georgetown. This forum will focus on increasing the awareness and the use of Quality infrastructural Services to build competitiveness in the local industry. Additionally, the intent is to identify the challenges of the industry and to develop an action plan to provide support. The GNBS encourages agro-processors to participate in this half-day forum.
For Wednesday, October 12, the GNBS will conduct a Media launch of the National Quality Awards (NQW) for 2023. This early launch will outline plans for the prestigious Business Awards and make way for earlier applications from participating companies. Meanwhile, the Bureau’s Marketing Department will also launch a Made in Guyana Video Campaign on social media to encourage more local businesses to apply to use the Mark on their products.
On Thursday, October 13, the doors of the GNBS will be fully opened as it hosts an open day and exposition at its Exhibition Site, Sophia Head office for students, clients, and members of the public. At the event, which commences at 09:00hrs, participants will be exposed to a wide range of standards and services provided by the bureau to ensure consumers protection and business growth. An outside radio broadcast on NCN 98.1 FM from 10:00hrs will also be done to highlight the proceedings of the day’s event.
On World Standards Day, Friday October 14, the focus will be internal to the GNBS as its hosts its Staff Appreciation Day and Awards Ceremony. As is customary, employees who have been with the bureau for five, 10, 15, 20 and more years will be awarded for their longevity with the standards body. The list of awardees includes two staff members who have worked with the bureau for 35 years.
Throughout National Quality Week, the GNBS Corporate Communications and Marketing Departments will share information via the newspapers, radio, television and social media to ensure that the public is updated and involved. On this occasion of National Quality Week, the GNBS encourages all Guyanese to get involved with standards.
For further information on this subject, contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 219-0064 or 219-0065 or WhatsApp us on 692-4627.

Yours sincerely,
Guyana National Bureau of Standards

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