33 years were fixed with PNC’s fantasies, frailties and fallacies

Dear Editor,
GUYANESE are still reeling from the aftermath of the CPL, with the Tallawahs as the CPL 2022 champions. Guyana’s inability to win the coveted cup for the 10th time proved to be quite a disappointment, especially playing in front the home crowd. Nevertheless, the week started with the hangover from the super concert and the flamboyant Carnival Cricket Parade. This week also commenced Agriculture Month 2022 while concluding Indigenous Heritage Month.
Prime Minister, Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips; former Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy, and Sharir Chan, President of the Guyana Cancer Society, kicked off Breast Cancer Awareness Month by leading a ‘Walkathon’ from the west side of the Demerara to the Vreed-en-Hoop Stelling. The theme for World Maritime Day 2022 did not go unnoticed by Guyana, “New Technologies For Greener shipping.”
World Teacher’s Day was observed, the theme being: “The Transformation of Education Begins with Teachers.” PPP’s Philomena “Fireball” Sahoye-Shurry has passed on at the age of 90. One of American country music’s biggest stars, Loretta Lynn, passed away at the age of 90. Gas and diesel prices were slashed by the government. Mahatma Gandhi’s 153rd birth anniversary was observed at a ceremony in the Promenade Gardens.
While an IDB forum was informed that the PPP/C government has increased housing allocation by 300 per cent, the CDB has approved US$12 million for a skills development and employability project in Guyana. The government slashed gas price by 20 per cent and diesel by 15 per cent. No Guyanese will be in the West Indies squad for the upcoming ICC T20 World Cup in Australia.
As the weekend sobers, do spend some quiet moments pondering the relevance of the Muslims’ deliberations this Sunday and the clips, comments and correspondence capturing news, views and interviews:
1) Chief Executive Officer of CJIA, Ramesh Ghir, said: “This is the highest number [visitors] ever recorded in September. I believe the enthusiasm behind the Cricket Carnival activities is responsible for these numbers we are seeing.” Thanks to the PPP/C government’s negotiation, the CPL semi-finals and final games will be played in Guyana for three years. Some 31,500 passengers arrived in the month of September, a 90 per cent increase over the corresponding period last year.
2) Trinidad’s Opposition Leader, Kamla Persaud-Bissessar, said, “This budget is a vicious frontal attack on the poor and working classes. It also reeks of fascism. Its wicked policies are designed to benefit the PNM and upper-class at the expense of the poor and working class.” When the PNC took power in 2015, the first thing they did was to give themselves a 50 per cent increase in salary! On the contrary, the PPP/C passed the biggest budget in 2021 to benefit the working-class people with billions of dollars in tax cuts!
3) Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha, said: “The process is moving forward, and, hopefully, we can receive some payments from Panama.” The PNC had inked a corrupt contract to supply rice to Panama and failed to receive payments. Now the PPP/C government has to approach the new Panamanian government in order to secure the $1.9 billion payment due to the farmers.
4) Pope Francis said: “My appeal goes above all to the President of the Russian Federation, begging him to stop this spiral of violence and death, even out of love for his own people.” The Pope is of the view that the crisis is risking a nuclear escalation with uncontrollable global consequences.
5) Minister of Public Works, Bishop Edghill, said: “So, this afternoon [Saturday] as we launch ‘Ferry Pass,’ it is making a difference in the lives of tens of thousands who use this ferry.” The PPP/C government is concerned about the welfare of the people and increasing their standard of living with the help of technology.
6) US Assistant Secretary Brian Nichols said: “We are not judging countries based on where they fall on the political spectrum, but rather their commitment to democracy, the rule of law and human rights.” No wonder the US Government had to sanction the PNC and their families when they were usurping democracy in Guyana during the attempted rigging of the 2020 General and Regional Elections.
7) Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira, said: “So, for me, the proof is in the pudding.” Norton remains the spoke in the wheel, trying to thwart every attempt by the government at inclusivity.
8) Dr Randy Persaud wrote: “Language games are of maximum utility to the APNU+AFC and the self-described ‘civil society’ groups in Guyana. This is so because language games work through manipulation of facts, of evidence, of truth.” Burnham’s PNC was known to have established a notorious Ministry of National Mobilization responsible for the funding of party operations and utilizing the state machinery for its propaganda agenda. The depth of dishonesty, lies, distortions, tongue-twisters and diabolical mysticism and mysteries remain unfathomable, unsurmountable and unbelievable!
9) President, Dr Irfaan Ali, said: “Agriculture is and will remain a mainstay of our economy.” Indeed, the sector already accounts for almost a quarter of the country’s non-oil Gross Domestic Product. The “Dutch Disease” will be quarantined at Guyana’s border.
10) Minister Mustapha said: “Since assuming office in August 2020, our government has invested approximately $95 billion in the sector, and we are committed to significantly increasing both public and private investments in the coming years.” The PPP/C government remains in support and in solidarity with employers and employees to enhance, increase and propel the production and sale of agricultural produce.
11) The defender wrote: “We are often silent for those who have spoken out for us.” Goodbye, Dr Rodney, Father Darke, Kowsila, Enmore Martyrs, Devonshire Castle Martyrs….Your sacrifices were not in vain.
12) The fixer wrote: “I believe the APNU+AFC is far more likely to implement these and other fixes than the PPP.” Some 33 years were fixed with fantasies, frailties and fallacies by the PNC. It was the PPP/C government who had to unfix a bludgeoned economy. Continuing after 23 years, the PPP/C again has the title of “Mr. Fixer.”
13) West Ruimveldt Head Teacher Nikole Lewis said: “They [the children] are coming early, they are lining up and they are waiting to get their breakfast.” The PPP/C government is investing $267 million in the breakfast programme this year and is part of the $2 billion national feeding programme.
14) Uncle Freddy wrote: “It is time for humans to judge people by ideas rather than race.” The PNC’s ideas were always adjudged by their employment policy. The words of Volda Lawrence, former Minister of Public Health and Chairperson of the PNC, resonate loud and clear and cannot be forgotten: “The only friends I got is PNC, so the only people I gon give wuk to is PNC and right now I looking for a doctor who can talk Spanish or Portuguese and ah want one that is PNC.”
15) Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, told the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly, “… in as much as global warming is universal, its damaging effects are not the same, the burden falls mostly on the poor in small developing nations, such as mine.” The concerned PPP/C government is contributing towards the preservation and sustainability of the global ecosystem via the implementation of its LCDS 2030 programme.
16) Natural Resources Minister Vickram Bharrat told a workshop coordinated by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Guianas, “… but what I can assure you is that we’re working towards minimizing, and at some point in time in the near future, stop [sic] the use of mercury.” The PPP/C government is paying attention to sustainable mining, the phasing out of the usage of mercury and finding a safe alternative that is not costly.
17) Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, reported: “The recourse to the ethnic bogeyman, the baseless statement being made about discrimination are reflective of the fact that the APNU+AFC has no sensible response to the comprehensive agenda that is being implemented by President Ali’s PPP/C government.” The PNC can, in no way, provide any creditable criticism of the PPP/C’s inclusive policies, as well as an alternative policy position on any issue.
18) President Ali told the UN General Assembly: “The world’s nations can be assured that Guyana shall remain true to those peaceful processes and deny every effort to depart from them.” Many countries have thrown their weight in support for Guyana in its border controversy with Venezuela, including the US, CARICOM and the Commonwealth.
19) Executive Director of the NRDDB, Ivor Marslow, said: “We would like to thank the Canadian High Commission for their support through this project.” Canada will assist the North Rupununi District Development Board (NRDDB) to preserve traditional Indigenous knowledge through the empowerment of Indigenous women leaders within their communities.
20) Carlos Melo, a political scientist at the Insper Business School, said: “Lula’s second-round victory is now less likely. Bolsonaro will arrive with a lot of strength for re-election.” Brazil’s presidential election is heading for a run-off second-round vote on October 30.
21) US President Joe Biden warned: “If gas station companies try to use this storm to raise prices, I am going to ask officials to look into whether or not price gouging is going on.” Meanwhile, President Ali slashed gas and diesel prices by 20 per cent and 15 per cent respectively. Will these savings trickle down to the man in the street?
22) Snr Counsel Douglas Mendes said: “My learned friend [Forde] is blaming everybody except the appellants themselves.” Remember the lopsided oil contract signed by the PNC and now they are shifting the burden onto the shoulders of the PPP/C to correct their mistakes?
23) President Ali announced: “We’re looking at the launch of an Expression of Interest for a 30,000-barrel refinery.” The PPP/C government wants to establish a small oil refinery which can make a big difference for energy security in the event of any disaster that may prevent the supply of gas or kerosene.
24) Dr Singh was harsh with the NIS, noting: “When you get to 60, you think you want to hear any excuse about somebody can’t find a file?” NIS has a long-standing obligation to serve them [pensioners] in a particular manner, driven by the high ideals of public service.
25) Dr Leslie Ramsammy paid a glowing tribute to the late PPP stalwart, “Fireball” Philo: “Philomena Sahoye-Shury stood tall, unbowed and untamed. She was a warrior for the working-class people for almost 80 years of her life. While some of us have lost a cherished comrade, our country has lost a woman of genuine worth, a genuine Guyanese heroine.” She passed away a few days shy of her 92nd birth anniversary.
26) With an eye on the ball and a step ahead of the game, President Ali revealed: “We are also working in the next few weeks to design an annual programme to position Guyana as a premier destination for entertainment and sports tourism in the Region.” His vision is to modify horse- and car-racing for international participation and for Guyana to become a venue for World Boxing Council events.
27) Prime Minister Phillips observed: “Guyana’s relations with China are being realigned to conform to our evolving development thrust.” He made the statement on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
28) Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, S.C., remarked, “… our government considers the administration of justice central to our country and an important factor in the democratic, economic and social equation of our country.” The PPP/C has one of the most aggressive legislative agendas in recent times and is moving apace with the construction of a central courthouse in Demerara with a full-service consolidated facility for criminal, probate, Family Court, Land Court and Court of Appeal matters, complete with registries and support staff.
29) President Ali told the county’s teachers: “On this very important day – World Teachers’ Day, I want to assure our teachers that your time will come, that we’re working hard to give you the best environment that you can work in…” The PPP/C government is ensuring that teachers are given the necessary tools, including clerical support, day-care centres, remuneration and opportunities for advancement, to be nimble and flexible, so that they can functionally operate. The former PNC administration failed to satisfy the needs of the teachers. All they were concerned about was to get their dirty fingers in the cookie jars. Now they want the current government to grant endless demands!
30) Education Minister Priya Manickchand said: “Happy Teachers’ Day to the nation’s dedicated teachers,” noting: “Together, we will do what you wanted to do when you first signed up to teach.” The Education Minister is the teachers’ biggest, most committed advocate. During the last administration it was the PNC who allowed teachers a minimal five per cent salary increase but gave themselves 50 per cent and rubbed salt in the wound by saying that they have no apology to offer. Now out of office, they are demanding $100K salary increase. What hypocrisy! The PNC is forgetting that their union affiliates want the government to negotiate with the union and not to declare pronouncements publicly without consultation!
31) A 45-year-old US Marine Colonel, Nicole Mann, said: “Anytime we are able to do something that is a first, or wasn’t done in the past, it’s so important….” Nicole is the first Native American woman in space.
32) President Ali announced: “I am pleased, this evening, to announce the payment of an additional one-off grant of $28,000 to be paid to each and every single old-age pensioner before the end of 2022.” The PPP/C government recognises the services of the seniors to this country and wants to show their appreciation in a $1.8 Billion relief pay out.
33) First Lady Arya Ali said “[I] believe that these individuals (persons with disabilities) must be provided with the resources, opportunities, knowledge and skills needed to increase their capacity to determine their own future and fully participate in community life.” In keeping with the United Nation’s resolution, the First Lady is ensuring that inclusivity incorporates the disabled ones also.
Renatha Marshall is smiling as the new CAL Country Manager. Residents at Lethem are smiling with the launching of the Hearts Technical Package. Centenarians are smiling with the launching of the government’s new ‘Century Club.’ Region Two residents are smiling with the opening of a second location for the Express Int. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), creating hundreds of jobs.
The Den Amstel Progressive Fellowship Farmers’ group is smiling with the handing over of two tillers from Agriculture Minister Mustapha. A 14-year-old, Saskie Willie, is smiling after being crowned Region Six Teen Queen. Parika speedboat operators are smiling with the donation of life vests from the Maritime Administration Dep’t.
Sweden’s Svante Paabo is smiling with his Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on human evolution. Scientists Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger are smiling after winning the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for their advances in quantum mechanics. French author Annie Ernaux is smiling with her 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature, having written on personal memory and social inequality.
Some 294 private Region Three cane farmers are smiling with their one-off $150,000 grant, amounting to $44 million. And 150 small fisherfolk are smiling with a $9.6 million safety equipment, received from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
The Guyana Cancer Foundation is smiling after receiving sponsorship from the First Lady for 50 free mammograms. Some 11 more homes are smiling as they have been adopted through the First Lady’s initiative for her “Adopt-An- Orphanage” initiative. It’s a good thing last week’s revellers did not see Marilyn Monroe’s advice: “A smile is the best thing a girl can wear.” Otherwise, who knows what!

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall

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