Tea in the Lion’s Den at Oasis was another highlight for this new month. We hosted ‘Dining with the Eagles’ a few months ago, which was phenomenal. These two events were created for participants who have grown through my personal development courses.
I have with many people developed that eagle’s mindset and Lion’s attitude and now taking action to be the best they could be.
They have taken action and experienced the results, and I encourage you to take action to give the world the best version of you.
I challenge you to register now for these empowering programmes and take advantage of the special discounts. You are your best investment and you are worth it. There are only two animals the creator identified Himself with, the first one is the eagle and the second is the lion. The lion and eagle are kings in their domain. The eagle is the king of the bird kingdom and the lion is the king of the animal kingdom. The lion has what I call the “spirit of leadership” and this word spirit here refers to “attitude”. A leader has an attitude that makes him or her different from their followers. I loved my front-row seat because I got to experience the life-changing transformation of so many lions and eagles.
The lion is the king of the jungle, but the lion, to many, is a great source of encouragement because he is the best in many areas.
1. The lion is not the tallest in the jungle
2. The lion is not the largest in the jungle
3. The lion is not the heaviest animal in the jungle
4. The lion is not the smartest or most intelligent in the jungle
And yet when the lion shows up, they all run away. So there are no excuses not to push forward and nurture your seeds of greatness.
I can detect the hungry ones from the orientation, and those are the ones with best results from the programme. When you are hungry, you become stronger than your excuses. I am happy we have three guys in this current programme and one works in the interior where the internet connection is weaker than in the towns. He travels for 2 hours sometimes just to be in a position to connect to this programme, and from all reports, this programme has shifted his mindset. The things he listens to in the camp are causing the other people in his environment to also listen. He told me that they are now requisitioning him to play it. We can influence people intentionally and unintentionally in a good or bad way.
The participants refer to this group as a family, which warms my heart because the intention is to provide that safe space for people to grow, share and collaborate with anyone judging them. Some of them met for the first time in person at the tea, and it felt like it was years of friendship with how they interacted. We left way past closing time at Oasis because no one was in a hurry to leave. The hugs, laughter, jokes and great conversation sharing the mountain top and valley moments in a peaceful, relaxing and classy environment with jazz music in the background is priceless. Most of the people who register for this programme are a result of someone sharing their transformation. We also had cases where past participants registered co-workers or family members as gifts because they believed they needed them. I have experienced emotional testimonials of people realising what the gift did to their lives. The best gift is a gift that can last you a life time. The holidays are coming up and think about a gift that will not depreciate and will benefit someone forever. The courses people register for the most are Confidence Become You and Healthy Thoughts Challenge. Confidence, faith, and healthy thoughts are some necessary tools for our toolkits for success.
Positive thinking is one way to build our confidence!
I have experienced the power of thoughts, words and the power in prayer. I recommend we all start your day by giving thanks to God for giving us another chance on earth and another day with endless possibilities. Praise him for his faithfulness and ask him for guidance to lead you to your purpose and the most authentic versions of yourself.
Time alone with God can recharge us and give us clarity for the many challenges we face daily.
It brings things into perspective whenever I put God first, and when I don’t, I experience chaos and confusion. It is believed that great things happen in the brain when we acknowledge God.
As we focus on our thoughts, we need to be specific. We will receive better results when we are specific because the more specific we are, the more we bring the actual root cause into our conscious mind, making it weak and easier to break down. The brain is designed to respond to the mind; the mind is the centre of our soul, which is why it is so powerful because it influences our belief system. I have shared my experiences; many have tried it and had great results.
“Attitude is a product of belief. You cannot have an attitude beyond your belief. Your attitude comes from your belief system. The lion is the king because of what he believes about himself.” I encourage you to ponder on this profound quote as we continue to celebrate the beautiful journey called life BEYOND THE RUNWAY.