UGF welcomed the partnership with Demerara Distillers Limited

Dear Editor,
SINCE the University of Guyana Foundation Inc. (UGF) was launched on February 8, 2022, several articles were distributed by the University of Guyana Publicity and Communications Division and were carried in the media, including in your newspaper. These have fully detailed the aims and activities of the UGF whose website establishes the foundation’s mission to raise funds and develop partnerships in support of the University of Guyana’s strategic plan, (UG Blue Print 2040).

Following intensive discussions within a highly dedicated board and groups of distinguished associates in USA, UK and Canada, UGF agreed on major fund-raising activities based on four Grand Challenges, each accompanied by several funding priorities which I hereby elaborate for the benefit of readers.

Grand challenge 1. Investing in Human Capital and the Sustainable Future of Guyana which includes the following priorities: creating scholarships, especially for students in need and partnerships with international academic, research and innovative centres; contributing to the rapid increase and upgrade of UG faculty in obtaining terminal degrees and post-doctoral fellowships, as well as post-graduate studies at UG; funding endowed chairs and professorships to attract high-profile researchers and professionals to enhance UG’s reputation; and establishing an omnibus endowment fund.

Grand Challenge 2: Creating a “Green” UG for a Green Guyana and a Sustainable Global Environment with priorities that include developing sustainable housing for students on all campuses; creating safe spaces, walkways and sidewalks and beautifying/landscaping the Turkeyen campus as well as UG’s other campuses.

Grand Challenge 3: Modernising essential systems and services. This includes preserving Guyana’s special collection housed at UG’s library; upgrading UG’s student facilities on all campuses; creating dedicated sports facilities, including a modern sports complex.

Grand Challenge 4: Accelerating innovative centres of excellence and research institutes with emphasis on developing an institute for the empowerment of women; a creative arts centre and a performing arts to enhance Guyana’s cultural enterprise by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

An omnibus endowment fund has attracted a series of programmes and projects supported by a cross- section of alumni and friends, and corporate sponsors globally.

To celebrate UG’s 60th anniversary, 2023-2024 the Office of Vice Chancellor Paloma Mohamed-Martin, has planned approximately 60 activities involving numerous partners in Guyana and in the diaspora. In this context, UGF welcomed the partnership with Demerara Distillers Limited for a specially blended rum. This important gift was conceptualised and developed by a master distiller and two associates, all graduates of UG, a tribute to their alma mater. It is the foundation’s hope that alumni, friends and others will join the UGF in its efforts to sustain UG as a viable national university, and a critical enabler of Guyana’s development.

Yours sincerely,
Edward Greene
University of Guyana Foundation Inc

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