Grim prospects for Opposition Leader

AUBREY NORTON has had every opportunity to prove to the world that he could manage the affairs of this country, if given the chance to lead. He has had the opportunity to prove himself as a Statesman, and a learned politician.

Additionally, Norton has been tested already by his opponents, and certain clever politicians. His maturity, competence, and experience have faced the litmus test as a major interlocker in the school of Guyanese politics.
Internally, the various factions within the People’s National Congress, A Partnership for National Unity, Alliance for Change, Working People’s Alliance, and the Guyana Action Party have already tested out Norton as a leader.

Externally, the Guyanese public has been a silent judge of Norton’s effectiveness in the post of Opposition Leader, PNC Leader, and APNU Chairman. The public has had a taste of the politics of Norton, and its impact from November to this current period.

Sadly, Norton has seemingly failed miserably and badly at all the current roles he holds.
At best, Norton’s performance could be described as underwhelming, and troubling politically. He has not convinced anyone that he could get the job of being an effective Opposition Leader done.

Further, as the Chairman of APNU and the PNC Leader, Norton’s style has had very little positive impact on the image of the party or coalition’s forward movement.
He seemingly has fallen into the same laid-back approach to politics broadly.

It is being proven daily that Norton might have somehow won the races at Congress Place and in the parliamentary opposition, but has still not managed to set himself apart from the legacy that David Granger, Joseph Harmon, Robert Corbin, Desmond Hoyte and Forbes Burnham left him.

Unfortunately, Norton does not see the need to have a plan. He is out here playing his politics and talking about everything and anything to get some spotlight in the traditional or social media.
It is clear that two years after the 2020 defeat, the Opposition Leader is still doing the same things in the same manner, and is expecting different results; this is tantamount to madness.

The truth is, Guyanese are growing weary of these shenanigans. They are growing tired of the street politics, and the same PPP/C discrimination banter. They want change and dynamism.
They want an Opposition Leader who is not aloof or too busy trying to convince the world of his intellect by using all sorts of big, misplaced, and complex vocabulary.

Understandably, the public wants an Opposition Leader who is warm, levelled, and cool-headed. The public wants a thinker, and someone who is not afraid to accept a handshake like a diplomat, even while continuing to be firm and critical of policies. An Opposition Leader who does not take the world too seriously, and lies about everything under the sun is not needed.

One thing is certain, Norton is not in touch with reality, and is leading all who would follow him blindly to the chopping blocks.
Guyanese are much more intelligent and lesser patient with politicians who are not getting anywhere anytime fast.

Lastly, the Opposition Leader is lost at shore. Somebody, needs to show Norton how to play the game of politics smartly or wisely at this juncture. He is taking too long to come up with factual and evidential criticisms of the PPP/C Government using the policies and plans they won that election in 2020 with.

The truth is, the Opposition Leader has gone to a football game and he doesn’t realise he left his boots behind. He is playing a dangerous game in the political arena in Guyana and has not recognised he does not have armor on, much less the truth on his side.

Every battle he is waging against the PPP/C, results in a loss for him. And, he is locked in the mirrors thinking, wishing and hoping that 2025 catches up with him so he gracefully retires the post. Why till then? The Opposition Leader could hand in the towel now, saving himself the agony of the lifetime award of being the longest serving Opposition Leader in modern history.
Aubrey Norton’s prospects are seemingly grim.

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