NOW more than ever in our world’s history, people are living longer lives due to an increase in life expectancy across the globe. Sadly, an increase in life expectancy doesn’t equate to healthy ageing. In fact, studies have shown that although people are living longer, most of the time they are not healthily ageing. So yes, we can probably live up to 70 years now in Guyana, but that does not mean we are living a healthy life. While ageing is a natural and constant process, many have also classified it as a disease. Whatever classification it may be to you, just remember one thing – it’s constant. Ageing is ongoing. Our bodies and minds constantly undergo daily changes as the clock ticks. I am writing this article to inspire you all to make healthier, wiser choices as you age as it’s important to do so.
It’s important for your overall well-being as well as those closest around you. We ought to be mindful of our overall health, how we can take care of ourselves and how we can maintain a healthy lifestyle. We’ve all probably adapted unhealthy eating patterns, unhealthy emotional coping mechanisms and even unhealthy relationships/bonds with others—just to name a few, along the way. While we learn from our environments, even from a very young age, that’s no excuse for us to learn and do better for ourselves over time. Your body and mind become more and more delicate as the years go by. Physically, a healthy eating pattern and diet should be implemented into one’s daily routine. If we aren’t mindful of what we put into our bodies, we sadly see the detrimental effects of it over time. Mentally and emotionally, you should willingly attend therapy sessions if you have to or allow yourself to process emotions in a calming matter. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to live an older life full of emotional or mental instabilities.
While we now live longer than our ancestors, we also now age unhealthily in many possible ways. It’s a sad reality, and, unfortunately, many of the unhealthy ageing that occurs are preventable. As such, I’m encouraging you all to consider your elderly years as you proceed into your youth. Every decision you make today will mean something more than what it already is tomorrow. I encourage you all to receive the necessary professional help for your mental, emotional and physical needs. The concept of “yolo” has been used throughout the early 2010s, but I can assure you that while you only live once, you also need to ensure that you live a healthy, fulfilling and wholesome life. As you go forth and continue to live your young lives, I encourage you all to proceed with caution. Love yourself enough to allow yourself to age healthily if time and circumstances permit.