RECENTLY, the country has been plagued with a series of fires, both in the rural and urban areas. As a result of these unpleasant experiences, many were left homeless, jobless and in some cases with permanent loss of businesses. Sometimes sadly enough lives were lost.
As someone who has a little experience in fire prevention, I thought that it would be useful to remind my fellow Guyanese that a fire must have three ingredients: fuel, heat and air. You take away any one of these and the fire cannot continue to burn.
Now where your homes and buildings are concerned, ask yourself the following:
1. Is there a free passageway to all exits and how many are there? If it’s a building, do the occupants know where they are?
2. Can these exits be easily opened from the inside?
3. Are all emergency exits marked clearly?
4. Do you know how to get out of the building and is your alarm system working? When was the last time you checked your equipment and do your occupants know how to get out of the building when it is on fire?
5. Last, but not least, do you know the number of your fire brigade service and when last you conducted a fire drill?
In conclusion, I must admit that the above observations pertain more to offices, factories, nightspots, workshops and libraries. However, all are relevant to wherever heat, air and fuel are available.
Percy Oswald Munro
Former Engineering Manager