GOOD customer service-or rather the lack of it—is an ongoing issue that seems to plague businesses in Guyana. As an entrepreneur with a blossoming business myself, I deeply understand why it’s necessary and essential to invest in good customer service for your customers and clients. Your resources used to target good customer service are a direct link to your customers (people who spend their money on your product or service). As such, the resources you invest in customer service are important, if not the most important, resources towards achieving success for your business. Some may argue that every aspect of your business is just as important. So, why then should you even prioritise customer service over other aspects of the said business? Well, good customer service equates to satisfied and happy customers. Satisfied and happy customers will then lead you to more growth which ultimately means more profit for your business. Your product may be top tier, your marketing might be unlike no other, and your business model may be innovative, but if your customer service sucks—none of those mean anything. You can’t make money or grow your business without the help of your customers. Who will you sell to in order to generate profit if you have no customers— and loyal customers, at that?
I decided to take the time to write about why customer service is important because I’ve noticed that many micro and macro businesses in Guyana invest in little to no customer service. To invest and provide good customer service means to support your customers and clients before and after they would’ve purchased or used your goods and services. From your first interaction to your very last,it should be enjoyable and pleasant for the customer. In the past, customers would most likely prefer to purchase goods and services from a business that has the least expensive selling price. These days in Guyana, as lifestyles change and people become more sensitised to emotions and thoughts—they would prefer a business that offers a better experience, rather than someone who simply sells the cheapest goods and services. You see, it’s not only about what you have to offer—it’s mostly about how you offer it. I hate to be in an establishment through which I’m scared to express my dissatisfaction or honesty about the services or goods being provided. In other words, some Guyanese business owners would rather “cuss out” a customer or down-talk them rather than effectively diffuse a conflict. These skills are necessary for good customer service representation. Not only is good customer service representation needed in private businesses, but also in all government offices and institutions as well. I hate to be at the receiving end of a clerk or receptionist at any government office when it seems as if they are having a bad day (and perhaps they have many bad days). It’s an unpleasant experience and feeling. It ultimately discourages you from accessing certain services and goods—unless it’s an absolute necessity.
A popular phrase used to understand why customer service is essential is, “it’s cheaper to keep existing customers than to find new ones.” That simplifies the concept of retention of customers. Customer retention entails you keeping your current customer base satisfied, as this provides for a more stable profit and success rate. Good customer service also helps to promote your business in a positive light. This increases positive brand awareness. If it’s one thing I can tell you about consumers in Guyana, it’s that word always gets around. Whether it be good reviews online, word-of-mouth referrals—as long as your customers are positively impacted, others will ultimately get to know and they will eventually want to experience your commended customer service for themselves. Remember that customers are not outsiders of your business. They are part of it. You are dependent upon them for the survival of your business. The customer or client is merely giving you an opportunity to utilise your goods/ services to them. The customer will probably have five other options in their community to shop from for their groceries, but with good customer service, you can prove to them that you offer much more than just groceries. You can offer a good customer support system, effective communication, trained customer service employees and an overall better positive social environment to shop in. Stop trying to deliver products only and start delivering great experiences as well. As Douglas Adams said, “To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” As Guyanese rapidly try to invest in businesses in our booming economy, I do hope that they place much emphasis on customer service representation. It is much needed in existing business establishments as well.