Making a difference in the lives of persons with disabilities
Advocacy and Communications Officer at the NCD, Avonel Corrica
Advocacy and Communications Officer at the NCD, Avonel Corrica

AVONEL Corrica loves her job. Because of the training that she has received in social work, she finds it easy to communicate and help persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Guyana. In fact, she said she feels an overwhelming need to help them, especially when they’re in distress, and she knows that she can make a difference.

As the Advocacy and Communications Officer at the National Commission on Disability (NCD), Avonel gets to do just that. More of a supporting officer within the organisation, located at 49 Croal Street, she seizes every opportunity to promote the rights of PWDs and see that they receive the help that they need.

There are times, for instance, when PWDs would visit the NCD to file a complaint, but would be unable to write their thoughts as well as they would express them. “So I get their report together, forward it to the board and then whatever action is taken, I will provide them feedback. I advocate for them in this way to ensure that their rights are protected,” Avonel shared during an interview with the Pepperpot Magazine.

AC 2: Speaking during a sensitisation session at CJIA some time ago

She also strives to have a good understanding of what’s affecting them, so that she may be able to provide adequate and effective representation for them to policymakers, who would, in turn, develop programmes and services that are most suitable for the disability community.

“I develop and implement as well as evaluate community-level advocacy strategies designed to inform NCD stakeholders of programmes, services, activities, and events that include PWDs. I also attend meetings on behalf of the NCD and meet with government officials on their roles, based on the Disability Act,” Avonel explained.

With Disability Rights Activist Ganesh Singh

She also assists in preparing communication materials that staff within the NCD need to provide information to the public. This aspect of her work would see Avonel producing a quarterly newsletter that is posted on the NCD’s website, with regard to the activities being conducted and so forth.

“I love this field of work because I am able to make a difference in people’s lives; that’s where I get my gratification from,” she expressed. With a Degree in Communications, Avonel also holds a Degree in Social Work and a Masters in same from the University of Guyana.

Making a presentation during a sensitisation session with amputees at the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre in 2021

“I like the way the Communications and Social Work aspects tie in, so that I am able to carry out my daily duties quite nicely. Being a part of the change process is what I get my gratification from. It’s a mixture of the social work component; the mixture comes in very handy for me. I don’t feel good if I am not able to contribute to the change in someone’s life. Every time someone comes to me, I get this urge to make a difference. That’s what I love about my job,” she shared.

Avonel has been able to help PWDs in very practical ways. For one thing, she has been coordinating the Identification Card Programme for them, so that when they visit the bank, hospital, post office, or anywhere else they need to do business, they can get access to services immediately. Such an arrangement works well for PWDs who cannot stand for long hours at places without any seating facilities.

A media summit hosted by NCD in 2018

She also coordinates a volunteer programme at the NCD, whereby persons with or without disabilities render their services. “I also coach and support the volunteers because we had volunteers in the past who were not up to speed with what our mandate is. I also try to ensure that PWDs take advantage of the various services available to them through the NCD.”Avonel said that she has learned quite a lot on the job at the NCD, which she has been doing since 2014. Before this, she has worked in about nine departments at the Ministry of Health.

Reflecting on how her interest in disability got started, she said: “When I was placed in the Disability and Rehabilitation Department in 2012, that’s where I started to develop an interest. So I was happy to get fully into it when I was offered the post at NCD.”

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