God made the Universe
To revolve around a spin:
The Earth upon its axis
Spinning around the Sun
Each atom in its makeup
With electrons that seem to spin.
He wanted to see spin performed
At His creation’s highest order
So He picked the best from recent
and the best from recent past
One turning from the leg
The other turning from the off.
Since these were among the wiliest
And often beat the best defences
He needed a wicketkeeper
Who could keep up with their guile.
So He sent a call-up for Shane Warne
And Sonny Ramadhin
And Rodney Marsh
And said to them:
I want you to play to the biggest house,
The Lord’s gallery at the Field of Lords.
Shane bowled from the Warne end
And Sonny from the Ramadhin end
With Rodney Marsh behind the stumps
And a bevy of batting angels
Including Sir Don, Sir Len and Sir Frank,
Paid homage to the spinning ball.
St Peter gave them life membership
To the greatest cricket club of all
Where the spinning ball weaves magic
When wrists and fingers somersault.
Rest in Peace, our heroes all.
Tulsi Dyal Singh, MD
Midland, Texas, USA