The ‘I AM’ Collection

Where your way of life meets your style for life
THIS March, we celebrate women worldwide, embracing the 111th International Women’s Day. March 8 is a global day celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements.

I am planning to celebrate in a very special way, introducing some new things and amplifying the old ones.

Let’s celebrate Women’s Month with a Gift of Confidence for women and girls. I believe passionately in bestowing meaningful gifts that can last a lifetime, more so, now in these challenging times. I am passionate about this programme because I have been on both sides of the spectrum and witnessed the results of this programme.

A confident woman turns thoughts into action. Without it, we can hold ourselves back. Research shows that an undue focus on outward appearance impairs girls’ ability to focus and concentrate. For girls, improved confidence and a healthy body image may improve academic outcomes. Confident girls are more likely to speak out against bullying and to tell an adult if they experience sexual harassment or assault. Confidence has caused me to venture out even when I was not sure of the outcome. I did that just a few days ago and I have the pictures to prove it. I made a bold move to commence the celebration for the 25 years in fashion and the creative industry and I made a bold move to commence the celebration with the preview for my new business venture. ‘I AM’ – where your way of life meets your style for life. This is a collection of unique and versatile indoor and outdoor furniture and artworks. Some of the artworks are incorporated into some of the furniture and I plan to use the talented students, past and present, from the David Rose School for Special Needs. Some of these masterpieces will depict amazing abstract art and the rich flora and fauna in beautiful Guyana. Affirmations are essential to our daily lives and this collection will be a reminder of how unique you are and were created to fulfil a purpose. When you sit in a chair or touch a cushion you will be uplifted on your worst days.

Crafted by Chey, Floral by Shari, Azirra Games and Natasha David were products featured at the preview. The preview was for a limited number of people but the collection will be launched at the Pegasus for Women in Business Expo. Many things are in store for the next few months to commemorate this milestone. Patrons will have special introductory prices on the opening day of the Expo.We hosted a virtual Expo last year and we are excited to be back. All COVID-19 protocols will be in place.

Let us all help #BreakTheBias in supporting the women and girls through the gift of confidence and supporting the Women in Business Expo as we celebrate this beautiful journey called Life BEYOND THE RNWAY.

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