–Guyana Democracy Project urges Russia
THE Guyana Democracy Project (GDP) has joined a growing list of world leaders, legislators and international organisations in condemning Russia’s unwarranted and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, a sovereign State.
It has noted that the invasion has resulted in a senseless loss of lives and destruction of property, and further puts at risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian people. The Guyana Government has also condemned the invasion, and supported the Organisation of American States (OAS) statement against the assault on Ukraine.
The New York-based GDP says the invasion could lead to a serious humanitarian crisis, and that the conflict would reverberate throughout the world, jolting financial markets, and affecting the supply of goods and energy prices in Guyana, as well as the diaspora. The costs of goods and services would skyrocket, it said.
Thus, the organisation has joined with all peace-loving people to call for a halt to this conflict, and allow the people of Ukraine to be responsible for their own self-determination.
The organisation said that it stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, as it seeks international assistance to stop Russia from continuing its attack on the sovereign country.
The organisation stated that the Ukrainian people have a right to live peacefully in their own country, and with their neighbours. It noted that the Russian attack is a flagrant violation of the UN Charter that calls for the respect of borders of states. The GDP calls for an end to the invasion, and urges diplomacy to resolve the conflict.
The organisation is urging Russian President Vladimir Putin to halt the invasion, and find a peaceful path to resolve the conflict, and spare the wanton destruction and excruciating pain of the country.
The New York-based non-governmental organisation, GDP, in a statement released Thursday morning states: “Russia’s unprovoked assault on a sovereign nation is a violation of international law, and the UN Charter and in breach of the 1994 international agreement. We categorically condemn the invasion; our heart and prayers go out to the victims, and the Ukrainian people. We call on Russia to immediately cease its military mission, and seek a diplomatic solution.”
The GDP, led by Dr. Tara Singh as President, was founded in 2019 to promote and defend democracy and good governance in Guyana and elsewhere.