The curtain have come down on the four-day day International Energy Conference and Expo at the Marriot Hotel, Georgetown. From all indications, the Conference was a huge success, as could be seen from the degree of interest shown in the country by local, regional and international investors. Never before in the country’s history was there such a high level of interest in Guyana by foreign investors, which augers well for the future development of the country. Already, the scale of investment in the country is unprecedented and picking up momentum with a number of local and foreign investment, which, in addition to creating jobs, is also repositioning the country as a major player in terms of global trade and investment.
Much of the investment understandably is oil-related given current and projected levels of oil production. In fact, the country is projected to experience a ‘tsunami’ of revenue inflows within the next five years or so. Guyana expects close to a billion US dollars in revenue by the end of this year which could reach by 2025 to a whooping amount of over one trillion Guyana dollars! This is a massive injection of financial resources into the local economy which will go a far way in enhancing the economic and material condition of life of the Guyanese people.
All of this is good news. We need, however, to go beyond rising income levels and improvements in the material conditions of life, and begin a process of national healing and reconciliation. It is an established fact that the country historically had experienced a situation of ‘divide and rule politics’ encouraged by foreign vested interests and sadly exploited by opportunistic elements even after the country became free from colonial rule. The country experienced nearly three decades of PNC authoritarian rule after being catapulted to political office in 1964 by foreign vested interests, with the support of the pro-business United Force.
Under a system of undemocratic and authoritarian rule, it was not possible to meaningfully engage the Guyanese people in a process of national unity as the-then ruling administration was more concerned with the maintenance and perpetuation of undemocratic rule rather than finding a solution to the political and ethnic polarisation of the society. To make matters worse, the economic and social conditions of the Guyanese people saw a progressive decline with every passing year reaching a stage by the late 1980s when the country was ranked as one of the poorest country in the western hemisphere.
The tide has shifted with the restoration of democratic rule and Guyana today under the PPP/C administration has embarked on a process of democratic renewal and economic consolidation. The economy is growing at an accelerated pace and the national pie is getting bigger and bigger with every year. The quality of life of the Guyanese people is improving and the basis is now being laid for a new Guyana, one in which there is greater inclusivity and participatory democracy. President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali has been passionate about the idea of a prosperous and cohesive Guyana even as he recognised that such a society can only be realised in an environment of trust.
According to President Ali, ‘no government has all the answers. It is my wish to be able to benefit from the viewpoints of all, including our political parties, trade unions, private sector, workers and social organisations. “One Guyana is therefore a social contract of inclusion.”
The “One Guyana vision” is essentially about creating a more equal society, ensuring that every Guyanese is provided with an opportunity to lead productive and happy lives; reducing inequality in access to education, health, employment, income and justice. It aims at ensuring that every individual is accorded a dignified existence and with due respect for their rights and with full equality before the law.
This is not just wishful thinking on the part of President Ali and his PPP/C administration. In fact, measures are already well advanced to make this vision a reality. The philosophical underpinnings of the current budget are grounded on the realisation of that vision which is not only forward-looking but a national imperative if the goals of a prosperous and united Guyana are to be fully realised.
The One Guyana Commission is an important pillar of a new Guyana which, when established, will give voice and recognition to all individuals and social groups in our society regardless of political affiliation, race, religion or gender. Under the “One Guyana” vision envisaged by President Ali, everyone will benefit from the country’s resources, especially in the context of rising prosperity driven in part by the emerging oil and gas sector.
In February last, almost a year ago, President Ali made the announcement of his “One Guyana” vision and the establishment of a One Guyana Commission. “An essential part of my Government is inclusion. Stop being defined by race; stop being defined by politics. Start being defined by our one nationality and by our common love for our one country; let us lift it up together and by doing so, let us lift each other and ourselves, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.”
President Ali is committed to giving meaning and effect to our national motto which for too long was ruptured by the undemocratic, incompetent and discriminatory policies of the previous administration. The President urged all Guyanese to come on board to advance the transformation process that is currently underway, fully cognisant of the fact that we are stronger together, both as a people and a society.
Now is the time to rise above partisan and sectarian thinking. The country is fully on the path to becoming an economic powerhouse in the region and every Guyanese has a role to play in this exciting task of nation-building. In this regard, all Guyanese are stakeholders and are entitled to a fair share of our national patrimony, which is one of the cornerstones of the One Guyana vision.