AHEAD of the July 6-7 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA), pupils will be writing their first mock exam on February 16 – 17 and the second on May 11 – 12, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has announced.
According to the ministry, the first mock exam “will test topics – concepts up to week four of the Grade Five consolidated curriculum, including the Grade Four consolidated and Grade Three normal curriculums”.
The second mock exam will test topics and concepts up to the end of the Grade Five consolidated curriculum.
Both mock exams are expected to be written under strict COVID-19 protocols.
For both the mock exams and the NGSA, English Paper One and Two will be written in the morning half of the first day, while Science Paper One and Two will be written in the afternoon session of that day.
On the second day, Mathematics will be written in the morning session and Social Studies will be written in the afternoon.
The mock exams will be written at primary schools across the country and has become a new strategy implemented over the past two years to assist the Grade Six pupils. Aside from the mock exams, the ministry has several other initiatives in place to assist the Grade Six pupils and teachers as they prepare for the assessment. These include the NGSA Booster Programme and a ‘Quiz Me’ platform available on the ministry’s website.
The annual NGSA is considered a critical assessment for pupils as it is used to determine their placement in a secondary school. Pupils are assessed in the core areas of Mathematics, English, Social Studies and Science.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted face-to-face learning since March 2020, the ministry has been administering the NGSA based on curriculum work up to the Grade Five level. This is part of its efforts to be more accommodating to pupils who have been disadvantaged by the closure of schools.
Grade Six pupils returned to the classroom for face-to-face learning when the new school term began on January 3.