Dear Editor,
A FEW weeks ago I had cause to raise several concerns about the Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC), more specifically, the shortcomings of the executive. In that letter, I even called for a change in leadership, since the current leadership was not showing any interest in the club. However, since the publication in most of the daily newspapers, remedial works began on the building, etc.
Whether these works were already planned by the executive or not is of no consequence now and at this juncture, I would like to thank the executive for starting the said works and so forth.
With that said, I have a few more issues concerning the club I would like to raise.
Editor, since the start of this year the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Timothy Tucker, has been advocating for fair treatment and fair wages for workers within the fledgling Guyana oil and gas industry. This is admirable and I support this call. However, as I was always told as a young man, “charity begins at home.” The staff of the GCC, some of whom have been employed there for over 20 years, work for minimum wage and rarely, if ever, would see an increase in their salaries.
Further, their National Insurance Scheme (NIS) contributions are never updated and reflective of what they remit to the club to be paid on their behalf. There is no pension scheme in place for these persons when they meet the age of retirement. It is my firm view that Mr. Tucker and other executives of the club should investigate this, with an intent to change same.
Another topical issue is that of the maintenance of the ground, specifically, the drainage. It must be noted that it is taxpayers’ funds that was given to the club to maintain the ground and drainage system. However, the same is in a state of near collapse. No doubt, next year, when these subventions will be handed out again, the club will benefit, but if the funds are not being utilised properly then someone should be held accountable.
The other issue I would like to raise is the one about the upcoming executive elections. This is scheduled to be held during the month of December 2021. Already, there is a lot of talk about holding the elections virtually. However, many are of the view that this is a gimmick to hijack the elections and have those currently in the leadership returned to said positions.
We are all cognisant of COVID-19 and the disadvantages that flow therefrom. The constant use of COVID-19 to mask nefarious activities won’t stand. For example, the elections will see approximately 100 financial members in attendance and the club held a fund-raising BBQ event which saw hundreds in attendance and concern about COVID-19 was not raised then. Why now with the elections?
In any event, we can implement protocols to allow for the elections in person. These would include only fully vaccinated persons to attend, must wear a mask at all times and subject themselves to temperature tests etc.
I hope that these issues are addressed soonest, and we can all work together to restore the club.
Yours truly
Rawle Nichols