Dear Editor,
FOR some time now, particularly since March 2, 2020, a group of persons sympathetic to the PNC/APNU have been frequent contributors of letters to the press. This group, along with members of the PNC, has been doing its damnest to further contaminate the minds of ordinary African-Guyanese with their racist propaganda. The intention is to incite this section of our population to attack the government, up to and including, instigating them to violence.
Since its inception the PNC, working hand-in-hand, with the colonial masters, set out to divide the working people of our country by using race as the main instrument. At that time their objective was to stop independence and to remove the PPP government of 1957 to 1964 from office.
Over and over again in our recent history they have succeeded in fomenting racial strife in Guyana.
These attempts are now being intensified. Only two weeks ago we saw on Facebook some PNC and WPA elements, including David Hinds, talking about undermining the government by any means.
Those persons feel confident that they can succeed because time and time again they organised racial violence up to as recent as last year. Immediately after the election, former President Granger and his right hand, Harmon instigated many African Guyanese to take the street in West Berbice. In the process, many innocent Indian Guyanese, who were going about their business, were attacked.
The pretext for that attack was the brutal murder of two young African Guyanese, the Henry cousins. Without any evidence they made African-Guyanese feel that the boys’ murder was racially instigated.
Since then the matter was dealt with by the police and persons charged, but the racists continue to try and use it to inflame racial sentiments.
These persons, like those in the PNC leadership, really don’t care about the Henry boys nor any other ordinary Afro-Guyanese. Their sole intention is to use, or better to misuse them to increase the bargaining power of the PNC at the least and finally to put that elite into power, so that they could again use the state apparatus to enrich themselves through massive pay increases and other perks for themselves, coupled with unbridled corruption as happened between 1964 and 1962 and recently between 2015 and 2020.
If they had any genuine feelings for justice they would have wanted to see justice for Haresh Singh, the 17-year-old who was brutally murdered in what appears to have been a murder of reprisal. It took the police months to charge someone and then the matter seems to have been lost, forgotten, as if his life did not matter. That racist clique probably welcomed that murder.
Their silence has also been defending on the shooting by police of another teenager, Sewdat Hansraj, during a spontaneous protest to prevent the PNC/AFC rigging of the 2020 elections. This incident took place on March 6, 2020 at Cotton Tree.
Residents of the village have deemed this a murder. The young man was shot by police across a canal. He was unarmed and posed no danger to the officer or anyone for that matter.
Our “knight in shining armour” has not been calling for justice for the Hansraj family, nor have they uttered a word of sympathy.
Clearly, the PNC leadership together with the racist elements outside that party are at their old game again to create mayhem to promote their own selfish interest which is mainly to pillage the country and to lord it over our working people and live like kings and queens.
It’s time that all these matters be dealt with openly, without fear or favour and let justice prevail in our country.
Donald Ramotar
Former President