Dear Editor:
I AM quite pleased that the government is reporting an increase in vaccinations among teachers, students and the general populace. Our former resisters are to be complimented for a change of heart. “Fixed mindsets” about not taking the vaccines are the enemy of progress in safety and security in our poor country. We need more “growth mindsets” that would allow people to be reasonable and willing to respond to government’s call for people to step up and be vaccinated. A caring government must think about the general good, and impending doom if people chose to be reckless about their health and safety.
As schools are about to be open, I predict a season of “open, close; open, close” as the virus spreads among teachers and students, and is transmitted to others outside of schools. When this happens, it would not be because the government has done anything wrong. The blame would go squarely on the shoulders of the 50 per cent unvaccinated teachers, nurses and the surrogate unions of the moribund opposition acting irresponsibly. Unvaccinated teachers would most likely infect students and cause school closures. Students may also infect unvaccinated teachers. So it seems, a lot depends on what the 50 per cent of unvaccinated teachers do. This percentage is unacceptable and the ball is now in the teachers’ court. It’s just a matter of time when parents would be upset with the teachers if mindsets don’t change.
Government must do what it needs to do as it protects the entire nation. And who ‘vex, vex’. I wish the “suing” unions well, as the courts themselves have had to impose safety measures, and would support the government’s actions.
For those hesitants, “My Body, My Choice,” is a slogan of pro-abortionists, and others who confuse licence and liberty. To those who say you can still get the virus even though vaccinated, the best answer is from blogger “Oh Man” who said, “As with the flu, you can still get sick but your chances of being terminally ill is significantly reduced. You may be treated at a dispensary instead of an ICU.” Regardless of all the concerns people have, we are better off being vaccinated than unvaccinated. The risks are reduced. There would always be a tiny percentage of resisters. With this group, even if God appeared to them in a burning bush and told them to take the vaccine, they would not take the vaccine. For the rest of us, let’s understand that vaccines don’t kill, vaccines save lives.
So people, let’s put aside our quirks and reservations and think about the “herd immunity” of our nation. We want to normalise and open up our country fully so everyone can get back to work and earn their livelihoods. Don’t let us be a divided nation of “the vaccinated” versus “the unvaccinated.” A hole in the boat is a hole in the whole boat, and it does not matter which side has the hole. Together we survive, or together we perish. Let Guyana live!
Dr. Jerry Jailall