Join the NCN “Reading Challenge”

Dear Editor,
GIVEN the importance of reading and how passion has waned over time, NCN has taken the initiative to launch a challenge to help boost interest.
With various challenges overtime on social media and other platforms, NCN believes that this can be taken advantage of for meaningful endeavours.

NCN believes that boosting interest in reading is one such endeavour and that Education Month provides the right opportunity for the launch of its Reading Challenge.

Further, as a national stakeholder, NCN believes that its broadcast platforms can be useful conduits to help increase awareness and benefits of reading which include enhancing vocabulary and writing.

There was a soft launch of the reading challenge on the September 1, 2021, edition of the “Guyana Today” show featuring four children.
Persons here and overseas are invited to participate.

1. Simply record yourself or someone else reading with video not exceeding two minutes. Ensure the reading material is suitable for broadcast & child-friendly. Anyone can participate from their office, bed, study desk, garden or elsewhere.

2. Send the video to or the Guyana Today Facebook page.

3. Videos will be aired on the Guyana Today Morning Show and NCN Television. Listeners can also hear the Challenge on The Voice of Guyana.
All are encouraged to take part in this initiative which is envisaged to have a positive impact.

Yours sincerely,
National Communications Network (NCN)

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