Churches need to be part of the solution to vaccination, not part of the problem

Dear Editor,

I JUST received a prayer request from someone who said, “My brother-in-law did not take the COVID vaccine, and is now in the hospital on a ventilator. Two things: We would appreciate prayers for him, and if you haven’t been vaccinated, please reconsider.” In the USA, we have had probably the most controversial President, and he was one of the first to be vaccinated.
I remember the story of a man who was going down under the water, about to drown. A ship passed by and stopped and asked the man if he needed help; the man said, “No, I don’t need help, God would save me.” A second ship came offering help, and the man said, “I don’t need help, God would save me.” A third ship came, and the man said the same thing. Eventually, the man drowned, and went to heaven. He asked God, why didn’t you save me when I was drowning? God replied, “I sent you three ships.” This illustration can apply to our “unvaccinated” problem in Guyana. The Government has more than three ships: Sputnik, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Vaccine Maitri/Bharat biotech. Nation, don’t refuse help; don’t wait until it’s too late. The ship is passing your way. “Too late, too late shall be the cry.”
Preachers usually preach and warn the “unsaved” to be “saved”. Similarly, preachers must warn the “unvaccinated” to be “vaccinated”, because it’s the wise and right thing to do. That’s a way of “saving” people, too. I remember Bro. Errol from my Assembly of God Church in the Corentyne in the late 1970s. He had flu-like symptoms, but chose not to go to the hospital. He decided he was going to pray and fast about it. He was in his late 20s. Sadly, he died of pneumonia, and left a young wife and children behind. The church was not able to provide ongoing support for his family.

Preachers who, themselves, are fully vaccinated, like to say, “God is your healer; don’t put your faith in vaccines,” and everybody yells “Amen!” There is one Pastor Vlad on YouTube misleading people about the vaccine, and when you look at his website, there is a running counter announcing people who made donations to his ministry. Don’t listen to these fully-vaccinated “money” preachers (especially those who call themselves apostles, bishops and prophets). Follow those with more “balanced” thinking. Be wise, and think about your children and family, and get the vaccine. It’s hypocrisy for preachers to be fully vaccinated, and they are telling you to “have faith”; you don’t need the vaccine. When you and loved ones are going through your trials and tribulations if a family member is infected with the virus, your church will say they will “pray” for you, and the pastor will preach, “free”, at your funeral. Don’t expect tonnes of money support for funerals, medical expenses, and ongoing needs, especially if the breadwinner dies.

I call on our preachers to step up and be a part of the solution to the high number of unvaccinated among us. “To them that knoweth to do good, and doeth not, shall be beaten with many stripes (Luke 12:47).” Preachers usually preach to people to take a specific course of action to live right, and that if you don’t, you will go to hell. They tell you don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t do drugs, don’t fornicate. They don’t tell you, “your body, your choice”. They will cast demons out of you. churches are clear that you must pay 10 per cent of your income as tithes, plus you must give offerings, special offerings, building fund offerings, pastoral anniversary offerings, and contribute to causes. They are clear about that. They don’t tell you “your money, your choice”. They take a clear position on holiness, honesty, prostitution, abortion, sexual deviance, goodness, sin, etc. They don’t preach it’s “your body, your choice”. They tell you what is the “right” choice. Similarly, when it comes to vaccination, there is no neutrality. The church must come down on the side of vaccination. As the song says, “If you see your brother going the wrong way, just stop and say, ‘You’re going the wrong way.’”

I empathise with the government whose pure intention is to help the country and balance all interests. They can probably say like Jesus who upbraided cities saying, “We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented (Matt 11: 17). Hopefully, our people would understand that the unvaccinated is driving the new wave of the deadly Delta Variant, and would take advantage of the vaccine. We are eager to open up Guyana!

Much praise to those churches, mosques, and temples who hosted vaccination drives. Please continue the good work.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Jerry Jailall

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