IT is great to see President, Dr. Irfaan Ali, has expressed willingness to engage Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon, on conformation of a substantive Chancellor and Chief Justice of the Judiciary. But the Opposition Leader must officially state that the APNU+AFC Coalition recognises the PPP/C government and end his foray into senseless political gymnastics and gimmicky.
It is not a case where the government wants the opposition’s stamp of approval but given all that the APNU+AFC has said and done, it becomes necessary that they end spreading their falsehoods, which, among other things, include the absurd claim of winning the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections.
It common knowledge that the APNU+AFC did not win the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections and their election petitions failed in court.
While Harmon in responding to the call from President Ali claimed willingness to meet to discuss the important judicial matter, he accused the President of imposing unrealistic, unnecessary and outrageous extra-constitutional conditionalities for the meeting. On the basis of his claims, he believes that the government is trying to stall the appointment of a substantive Chancellor and Chief Justice.
The Opposition Leader is playing politics. He cannot want to have a conversation with the President and refuse to acknowledge that the PPP/C government is legitimate and exercises rightful authority over the populace. Instead of acknowledging this well-established fact, Harmon has now resorted to a political fairy tale, saying President Ali is not making his own decisions and has a master. Here Harmon’s seriousness on the meeting with the President with regards to the substantive appoints of a Chancellor and Chief Justice comes into question as no serious leader will inject puerile rhetoric in a serious matter. By doing this he places little or no attention on creating an atmosphere of good faith, mutual respect and trust.
It goes without saying that nothing is wrong with Harmon accepting defeat at the last general and regional elections; if anything it will show a sign that the Opposition Leader can show political maturity and courage.
It will demonstrate that Guyana comes first and not how a person or political party feels. If Harmon is serious about having the Chief Justice and Chancellor confirmed in office, he will have no hesitation in recognising the current legitimately elected Government of Guyana, as has done by CARICOM, civil society and the international community.
It is a well-known fact that these reputable organisations and governments did so following a five-month attempt by elements at GECOM, who were defended by the APNU+AFC, to derail democracy but failed in their outrageous acts. It is time Harmon acts responsibly, put petty politics aside, acknowledge the legitimately elected government of Guyana and come to the table of discussion in the interest of Guyana and all her citizens.