Lowenfield, Myers and Mingo must go

Dear Editor,

THE nation is currently healing from the irregularities and woes of the General and Regional Elections (GREs) 2020. The GRE 2020 lasted a dreary five months and even before those five months, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) had several run-ins with the laws and constitutional appointments. It has now been almost one year since GREs 2020 and we are still seeing the same antics from the opposition commissioners in their defence for the CEO, Mr. Lowenfield; DCEO, Ms. Myers and RO, Mr. Mingo (the “inside men”).
The most recent behaviour of the APNU commissioners doesn’t come as a surprise. A motion to remove the CEO, DCEO and RO was tabled about nine weeks from this date, the 1st of June, 2021 to be exact. The debates for and against the motion were set for June 15, 2021; however, the three magicians from the opposition performed their infamous disappearance act and of course, a quorum wasn’t met. This magical act quickly became very predictable and annoying at the same time. The “inside men” were finally sent on leave on the 22nd of June as attempts to debate the motions continue. Laughably, Mr. CEO clutched at straws and filed his own court action to restrain two PPP commissioners from participating in the debates they initiated to have him and colleagues removed. Another virtual meeting was called on the 21st July (months after) in an attempt to debate the motion and vote and as you can predict, the APNU commissioners “walked out” and refused to participate.

The United Republican Party (URP) remains a party for the people and more so for justice to be dealt out fairly. We are encouraging the GECOM body to remain committed to pursuing the dismissal of the CEO, DCEO, and RO.  The URP also encourages the APNU commissioners to desist from delay tactics as it only makes your collection seem weak in the eyes of people, locally and internationally. We would like to see maturity in handling this process, therefore we call on you to face the music and more so embrace the facts on the failed rigging attempts on the GREs 2020. Stop trying to justify the actions of the three “inside men.”
The United Republican Party extends best health and strength to the chairperson of GECOM, Justice Claudette Singh. We expect another no-show from the APNU commissioners at the next meeting, hence the next procedure we anticipate is to adjourn the meeting and let the motion for dismissal pass. GECOM must keep moving forward and prepare for Local Government Elections under your leadership Madam chairwoman.  We thank you for your leadership from then and now.

Dr. Josh Kanhai

United Republican Party (URP)


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