Dear Editor,
I’VE noticed quite a few letters being published, accusing the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) of malpractices, as it relates to the tendering and awarding of contracts. It should be made clear that the NDIA does not, and I repeat, does not have any say in the tendering process. The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) is the body responsible for dealing with such matters. An evaluator who does not have any relation to the ministry would make recommendations, and based on those evaluations, the NPTAB would award a contract to the lowest responsive bidder.
In today’s edition of the Kaieteur News, a writer is quoted as saying, “Tenders are out for pumps (almost rewarded), but bids have not been submitted as yet, or deadline reached, and bids opened as yet. Are decisions already made on who will get what? Is it true that the Cottage pump station in Mahaicony is assigned to the Jagmohan group? Is it true that the Andrews pump station in Essequibo is assigned to Samaroo Investment?” I am unclear who is the writer’s source, but it should be made clear that nothing of the sort has happened at the NDIA, or the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Ministry of Agriculture, for the first time in years, has made efforts to make the execution of capital and recurrent projects as transparent as possible. Tenders and Invitation for BIDs are published daily. Contract signings are also widely publicised. Notably, the procurement laws and regulations are being strictly adhered to.
The letter-writer also mentioned the supply of sheet piling. Ironically, there is an advertisement for an Invitation for BIDs (retendering) for the same sheet piling that the letter-writer has accused the Ministry of awarding to a contractor.
If, as Guyanese, we are to move forward, we need to base our statements on facts rather than misinformation. It is no secret that the Government of Guyana has undertaken major infrastructural works, nationwide, which would improve the livelihood of citizens.
Yours truly,
Name and address given